New Idea (in Off-topic)

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 26 2009 4:49 PM EDT

I make a lot of these threads because i get bored :P

New Idea:
Amulet of Disturbance.
Damage dealt by equipped minion ignores 50% of PL effects. (should be adjusted)
Gives a 2% damage increase per enchantment point to AS HP.

Suggestions please.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] August 26 2009 6:24 PM EDT

If this idea is inspired by that other PL thread I would like to point to GW's post in that thread.

And besides we have the mod. And with this amulet it would get rather OP in a heartbeat since it adds to all weapons and all DD's. Imagine an elb with a pl ignore function and extra damage vs those nasty RoS teams.


QBRanger August 26 2009 6:41 PM EDT


Offers nothing new and the AoF does almost the same thing.
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