?AoJ ,PL and Familiars.. (in General)

Shark September 1 2009 6:32 AM EDT

Would you think that with an Amulet of Junction, since it joins the familiar with the positive aspects of the minion that wears him, that the HP would link also.?

The PL links to my familiar, not damaging the minion, and the Familiar is absorbing damage and dying. Crap wasn't the Exact effect I was after.
It Seems the Familiars have built in HP from their attained levels and do not link with the HP on a minion using PL and an AoJ. I guess others knew this already.

I retrained some stuff that needed to be more organized and put my Familiar on my DD mage so I could use his HP when the Decay wasnt spotting up with any hits and going for naught.

And alas it does not work this way it seems...I also noticed that when you put the Familiar on a DD guy, it puts the Familiar in front of the minion. I was aware of this only with weapons.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 1 2009 6:34 AM EDT

Put an ES on your DD Mage and that change the placement of the Familiar.

winner winner September 1 2009 7:16 AM EDT

If the minion wearing the tattoo does not wield Weapons or cast Direct Damage Spells, then the familiar will be created behind the minion wearing the tattoo. Otherwise, it will be created in front.
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