The Five Year Spree (in Off-topic)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 2 2009 7:38 AM EDT

A very interesting series of articles by Jim Rossignol of RPS fame. I highly recommend reading them:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

AdminNightStrike September 2 2009 4:11 PM EDT


If only CB could get as immersive...

AdminNightStrike September 4 2009 11:38 AM EDT

Part 4:

Sickone September 4 2009 12:24 PM EDT

I've "only" been playing EVE for about 3 years, but I'm much more of a quieter in-game personality, not going through so much hassles as I try to stay out of 0.0 politics :p
But yeah, I can attest that pretty much everything he says there actually happens, and quite often too :D

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 4 2009 1:15 PM EDT

CB is engaging, but... maybe we should have more ways that people could interact with the community, rather than playing solo.

AdminNightStrike September 4 2009 1:29 PM EDT

Gang warfare would be nice

AdminShade September 4 2009 1:45 PM EDT

Then we should think about how to increase clan warfare :)

AdminShade September 4 2009 1:47 PM EDT

Perhaps an idea to do some research:

Find some games similar to ours (in terms of spending loads of points to fight or something like it.
Do these games have clans/guilds, and if so, what is the maximum amount of members?
What are the perks of being in a clan/guild to actually be in it?

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] September 4 2009 2:17 PM EDT

Shared clan armories/item stashes. That's one clan advantage some games that resemble CB have.
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