Find me this background at the best resolution! (in Contests)

AdminShade September 2 2009 12:36 PM EDT

The first picture (the one with the boat at the end of the world.

I want that as my desktop background!

100k to the person who finds it, perhaps even more!

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] September 2 2009 12:41 PM EDT

1024 x 768

Sickone September 2 2009 12:51 PM EDT

"Final Frontier Voyager" by George Grie
His homepage :
Best resolution available online there is the same, 1024x768.
I doubt you'll find it at a better resolution online...

AdminShade September 2 2009 12:52 PM EDT

Any chance anyone could get me an HD version? I'd handsomely pay for it...

Sickone September 2 2009 12:53 PM EDT

You could always order a large print at his site or at and scan it at a higher resolution...

TheCakeIsTheTruth September 2 2009 1:37 PM EDT

What resolution do you need? I could up the size in photoshop and add an effect or something, but I can't actually make it "HD".

AdminShade September 2 2009 2:03 PM EDT

1920*1200 is my screen resolution, but anything higher than 1024*768 would be good I guess...

I might actually order this as a painting or something

AdminShade September 2 2009 4:21 PM EDT

Since Slayer and Sickone both found it, also at different places, both get $50k :)

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