Make me laugh win stuff (in Contests)

SimplyNic November 1 2009 8:42 AM EST

Looking for some laughs again guys. The louder the laugh the more the monies you get (all in cbd yay cbd). Hey even for trying you get stuff, so what's to lose?
Hysterical Laughter: 20k
Laugh: 10k
Chuckle: 5k
Smile: 1k
For trying: I dunno... 500 monies?

On a side note pg and un-pg is welcomed. Just whisper me the link or type whatever it is here and you get stuff for at least trying.

SimplyNic November 1 2009 8:57 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) AdminShade (Dagor-nuin-Giliath) $10000 -- Yay laugh 8:56 AM EST

RaptorX November 1 2009 10:58 AM EST

If you receive an email from the Department of Health

telling you not to eat canned pork because of swine flu...

Ignore it.......

It's just Spam.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 1 2009 11:13 AM EST

Corny Joke Warning!:

Q:You know what a cat calls a Mouse on roller skates?
A: Meals on Wheels!

Q: When does a Doctor get mad?
A: When he runs out of patience!

Q: What was Tarzan's last words?
A: Who greased the vine!

Q: What did the Momma Tomato say to the baby Tomato?
A: Ketchup!

Q: What animal has more lives than a cat?
A: A Frog. Because it Croaks every night!

Q: Why did Dracula's mom give him cough syrup?
A: Because he was coffin!

Q: Why did the Spider get on the internet?
A: Because he wanted to log onto his Website!

Q: Why did the Witch fly her broom?
A: Because her vacuum was too heavy!

Q: Do Doctors make House Calls?
A: Yes but your house must be very sick!

Q: Why did the old woman tie skates on the Rocking Chair?
A: Because she wanted to Rock and Roll!

Complements of the Laffy Taffy Company!

BTW a great place to grab some laughs:

Joel November 1 2009 11:44 AM EST

Here's one my daughter made up: What kind of car does a hobo drive? A Box Car!

SimplyNic November 1 2009 11:50 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Admiralkiller (AK's revenge) $1000 Yay smile 11:49 AM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 11:52 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) RaptorX (Will Thatcher) $500 The important thing is that you tried :3 11:51 AM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 11:55 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) $1500 I... I don't know x,x" 11:54 AM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 12:01 PM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Titan (Ares the Great) $20000 Thanks for that :D Hilarious stuff bro 12:00 PM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 12:04 PM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) [CB1]Gun (Tim) $20000 rofl good stuff. 12:03 PM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 12:06 PM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Joel (Joel) Yay smile and such $1000 12:05 PM EST

SimplyNic November 1 2009 5:47 PM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Messbrutal (Xanthan) lol I don't know whether to feel bad for laughing or not.... $20000 5:46 PM EST

SimplyNic November 2 2009 2:30 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) Eliteofdelete (Zangy) In all honesty, I have no idea what to say to that XD $10000 2:29 AM EST

SimplyNic November 2 2009 5:14 AM EST

ZOMG ITS Nic (Itz NIc) kevlar (Pack Mule Service) I'm at a loss of words, but am amused lol. $10000 5:13 AM EST
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