Draw/Make Me A T-Shirt Design! (in Contests)

Newlin [SeeD] November 3 2009 11:45 PM EST

Contest Description:

My Advanced Placement Biology class is trying to get an idea together for a sort of class T-Shirt. The basic idea is that it will have a picture of some kind (anything really) on the front and then we were going to put some sciency pick up lines on the back...but only the non suggestive ones :( Just to give you an idea of what has been drawn up by my classmates (we are taking our sweet time on this one, so there have been few suggestions) We had a simple leaf drawing with the words A.P. Bio on them and then one of my good friends drew up a dragon that had a leaf for a body, a flower for a tongue, and it breathed cytosal. I will try to get that up here. Personally, I am not the most creative person in the world and while there are a select number of individuals in my class who are, I thought it would be a great contest idea to host for you guys (and girls) here. So I am simply looking for some cool ideas. It can either be drawn or made on a computer, I don't really care. Just be creative and have fun.

Winning Pot:

I will begin the pot size at 250,000 and each entry fee will be added in at 25,000 a piece. (Or you can send as much as you want to give people a bit more incentive to participate)

How Winner will be decided:

If my class chooses a design from one of you for the t-shirt design they will win, if not I will gather together a committee of those who have not entered to help me in the decision.

Rules for Entry:

1. Each entry fee will cost you 25,000. Entry fees must be sent to my character A.P. Bio
2. Any person can enter as many designs as you want.
3. Try to make it at least somewhat related to Biology or Science of some sort.
4. *PLEASE post a low quality and low resolution picture with a link to the full quality one because I am running on dial-up and I don't want to wait forever to look at them. Thanks.*


Newlin [SeeD] November 4 2009 8:20 PM EST

This will go for a week or two.

BHT November 4 2009 8:51 PM EST


Newlin [SeeD] November 6 2009 11:19 AM EST

Is there really that little interest in this?

BHT November 6 2009 11:21 AM EST

Paying money to help somebody else out kinda stinks.

AdminShade November 6 2009 11:26 AM EST

you should do your own homework :p

QBsutekh137 November 6 2009 12:12 PM EST

I am full of ideas, but I'm not going to pay to share them with you. *smile* That is a very interesting business model you are going for...

Tell you what, provide me more details (via CM) of what you would like to see, and pay me 50K for each CM. Then I will provide you with two entries per CM, and pay you the 25K each. Then we'll call it even.
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