Negative BA (in General)

QBJohnnywas November 5 2009 6:45 AM EST

How did I end up with -1 BA?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 5 2009 6:51 AM EST

I've had this happen a few times. It's a coding deal from what I understand. You think you have 12 BA left but you actually have 11 BA but the server allows for the 12 BA to be used leaving you with a -1 BA. At least this is the way it was explained to me and how I understand it.

QBJohnnywas November 5 2009 6:54 AM EST

That's pretty much what I was thinking anyhow. But it's very annoying.

AdminNightStrike November 5 2009 7:16 AM EST

The fight stuff probably is not quite locked right.

In theory, the game would lock your ability to use BA, play the fight, decrement your BA, and unlock your usage.

Either that decrement isn't atomic, or the order isn't close enough to what I described.
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