The real Tiger Woods crash video (in Off-topic)

QBRanger November 30 2009 11:29 AM EST

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] November 30 2009 12:17 PM EST


kevlar November 30 2009 1:10 PM EST

lol. wonder what really happened

QBRanger November 30 2009 1:32 PM EST

From what I have read and people I know in the Orlando area/police, they believe there was a domestic dispute with his wife beating the crap out of him over the rumors of his affair.

He then went to his SUV and was dazed driving into multiple obstacles. There was very little blood in the SUV given his facial injuries.

TMZ has great pictures of the crashed vehicle and it is very beat up.

It would not matter much if he was not such a public figure. And "right" to privacy he may have ever had has long been gone once he took all that money in sponserships from Nike, Buick etc...
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