Question about strategy (in General)

Shalot [Rawr] December 1 2009 1:22 AM EST

I am wondering if a single minion using a ranged weapon and a dd would be viable. I am thinking most likely it would use a SoD and SG. It would probably need high DM, also. I was thinking I could use the majority of exp for hp and SG, then use a ToA to get dex and str. So, would this work at all and if not can anyone suggest anything that might allow something similar to this to work?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 1 2009 1:29 AM EST

This kind of strat isn't all that effective but it can be and has been done in the past.

RaptorX December 1 2009 1:46 AM EST

You could hire a Hal or a SG Familiar. Then use your minion to do the other DD or Ranged damage by using armor that boosts ST and DX. But I don't know how effective that would be. Probably better than a 4 minion team like I did... grr.

AdminShade December 1 2009 3:15 AM EST

I think he would mean a CoC archer, which could be combined with a Junctioned Familiar also.

TheHatchetman December 1 2009 3:19 AM EST

SoD + SG could be quite effective at taking out 20 HP killslots before SG starts going off. but I wouldn't really advise going heavy on the ST or DX because you want your DD and HP to be as high as possible, especially without the use of killslots of your own.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 1 2009 3:22 AM EST

I think going without a tattoo in this case might be the better option. Use a TSA and CoI. I would suggest a moderate amount of dex and str with a lot of HP and DD. something like 40% hp 40% dd 10% str and 10% dex? Suffice to say it is very hard to run this type of strat. Also you will want a 100-200k amf for decay.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 1 2009 3:25 AM EST

I think going without a tattoo in this case might be the better option. Use a TSA and CoI. I would suggest a moderate amount of dex and str with a lot of HP and DD. something like 40% hp 40% dd 10% str and 10% dex? Suffice to say it is very hard to run this type of strat. Also you will want a 100-200k amf for decay. For your equips I think it might be best to use AoM, TSA, CoI, NSC, HoC, BoM, and DB.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 1 2009 3:34 AM EST

Maybe a ToA.

Using Hatch's idea of a SoD to thin the field, backed only by the ToA's STR/DEX and PTH. with SG as the hard hitter in Melee to crack tough targets.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 1 2009 3:35 AM EST

LoL! That's exactly what was posted in the OP.. /sigh

Too early for me. ;)

Sickone December 1 2009 4:10 AM EST

RoBF + SG//Decay//CoC + SoD ;)

QBJohnnywas December 1 2009 4:16 AM EST

The character Priestess Of The Moon might be of interest. The damage in melee is from the RBF not a DD spell but the idea is pretty much the same.

I've run a few CoC/Archer teams. The main problem with mixing physical and magic damage on a single minion is that you're very vulnerable to a lot of things. And even with the ToA, the XP spread can be hard work. The ToA for instance doesn't give you enough Dex, so you need to chuck some at that, and these days the best gloves with DD are Noldorins so you lose out on a tank glove.

But all that aside it's a team I've always enjoyed running.

Wraithlin December 1 2009 4:18 AM EST

decay on a single minion ftl

QBJohnnywas December 1 2009 4:18 AM EST

Priestess Of The Moon:

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