Hitman for hire. (in Services)

winner winner January 23 2010 7:30 AM EST

I'm willing to join a of your choice, get 18k+ clan points per week, and farm any clan of your choice.
CM me to negotiate these and the price.

winner winner January 23 2010 10:31 AM EST

I wanted to add a couple of things.
Hire me is confidential if you want it to be.
Also, I am capable of farming every clan out there.

AdminShade January 23 2010 11:00 AM EST

How can you be confidential with this?
-You'll be hired by a player or clan.
-You'll attack a said clan or multiple clans.

winner winner January 23 2010 3:11 PM EST

I'm not sure. I think I meant that I won't tell people that I was paid to attack your clan.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 23 2010 4:38 PM EST

You just told everyone.

AdminShade January 23 2010 5:32 PM EST

He only says he is available, if he joins a clan and fights, nobody will know if he's paid or not. Oh wait, transfer logs... (or he has to be paid after)
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