BoF - any exp of them not working? (in General)

Mythology February 5 2010 1:13 PM EST

Okay after finally aquiring a pair of Boots of Fortitude I was a little dismayed to see them doing nothing to my team.

Did anyone else experience a lag time when they equipped them?

I see 3 possible explanations though if theres a reason please do say.

1) The str bonus given by BoF do not show up in post battle stats even if all the minions are still alive.
2) I recently moved the minion to the front of my team just before equipping the BoF?
3) Something is interfering with the BoF effect I don't know about?

iBananco [Blue Army] February 5 2010 1:14 PM EST

1) The str bonus given by BoF do not show up in post battle stats even if all the minions are still alive.
This one, IIRC.

QBRanger February 5 2010 1:17 PM EST

Yes, the bonuses given to tanks and mages from the BoF do not appear in the post battle stats.

Mythology February 5 2010 1:20 PM EST

Thank you, well that sucks, whys that?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 5 2010 1:24 PM EST

hard to display efficiently I suspect
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