Salvage Yard: exploit? (in General)

NooneKnows February 8 2010 11:49 AM EST

has the salvage yard effectively made unforgeable items forgeable?

e.g. say I transform my ELB into something inexpensive like an axbow. I forge it for a week, then transform it back to an ELB before the oops period is over. will it maintain its NW at the end of the week, or revert back to its previous NW?

I don't care whether it's economically worthwhile, just curious about this phenomenon. sorry if this has been asked before, I don't spend a great deal of time trolling here

iBananco [Blue Army] February 8 2010 11:50 AM EST

You could also do that with the ELS in the old yard.

QBRanger February 8 2010 11:53 AM EST

Did you bother to read the changelog with the ranged salvage yard before posting?

This is in the very first post:

Accompanying this change, undo actions now restore the lesser NW of either the original item or the new item. Those of you that change your weapon to a different type, forge it up or disenchant it, then revert it... will be rather disappointed.

One can use an axbow to forge an ELB, then use another ELB to resalvage it, but then you have to pay for an axbow and then another elb.

NooneKnows February 8 2010 11:55 AM EST

cool beans. so it's not really considered an exploit? I'd like to give it a go as soon as my current queue is finished.

mostly, I just want to make a fool of that cursed dwarf by secretly forging an unforgeable item :)

NooneKnows February 8 2010 12:00 PM EST

thanks, Ranger. I really appreciate your willingness to help someone who doesn't spend nearly as much time on this as you clearly do.

haha, I even tried to preempt ridicule with an apology for asking. how foolish of me.

anyways, duly noted, thanks again

QBRanger February 8 2010 12:01 PM EST


Sometimes just looking at the first post of a changelog gives all the information needed.

Or even the wiki.

Mythology February 8 2010 12:54 PM EST


often preluding a post with "Did you bother" does not exactly make for a free flow of information

or a happy community.

QBRanger February 8 2010 1:05 PM EST

I was just trying to see if it was either an oversight or just plain laziness.
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