Question regarding DEX + Evasion (in General)

Mythology February 9 2010 3:00 PM EST

Anyone hazard to guess what happens in the following scenarios, much appreciated :)

Attacker has 2mil DEX no +
Defender has 0 DEX and +200 DB
Will attacker ever hit or?

Attacker has 2,000 DEX no +
Defender has 0 DEX and +200 DB
Will it be the same as 1) ?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 9 2010 3:02 PM EST

Same as 1, both hit

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] February 9 2010 3:02 PM EST

1) attacker will have base cth which will be 100 for ELB 60 for 1h melee and 40 for 2h melee.

2)same as 1

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 9 2010 3:03 PM EST

The chance to hit in both those setups would be equal to the base cth of the weapon in question.

Mythology February 9 2010 3:05 PM EST

is there no way to cut into the base CTH?

QBRanger February 9 2010 3:06 PM EST

Only the AoI and dexterity can cut into BTH.

Mythology February 9 2010 3:08 PM EST

ty :)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] February 9 2010 3:09 PM EST

How much more dex do you need to lower the BTH?

Pwned February 9 2010 3:11 PM EST


Pwned February 9 2010 3:12 PM EST

so much that its pointless

Miandrital February 9 2010 3:17 PM EST

In the wiki, it says that if you end up with CTH that is below the CTH of the weapon due to dex/DBs, it is capped at the base CTH.

So is that true, or can you really get negative cth from dex disadvantage?

I ask because I was thinking about using a MH on an enchanter to leverage the SoC. Without training any dex or PTH, does that mean I would automatically have 40 CTH from the base Morg (excluding AoI)?

QBRanger February 9 2010 3:20 PM EST

I have seen it is a linear type of ratio.


If BTH is 100 (ELB) and the following dex:

Attacker: 1M
Defender: 2M
Yields: 50% BTH

Attacker: 1M
Defender: 3M
Yields: 33% BTH

Attacker: 1M
Defender: 5M
Yields: 20% BTH

Give or take that is about what I have seen.

In fights, remember there are many other factors regarding To Hit.

Including Leadership, evasion, DB, Ranged penalties.

QBRanger February 9 2010 3:22 PM EST

In the wiki, it says that if you end up with CTH that is below the CTH of the weapon due to dex/DBs, it is capped at the base CTH. So is that true, or can you really get negative cth from dex disadvantage?

I think the wiki may be wrong as dex can lower BTH. BTH is base chance to hit for the weapon.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] February 9 2010 3:27 PM EST

So Ranger if I have +450 DBs to cancel out all + from your tattoo and on your ELB and leadership and we have equal dex and its on the last range round with HoC (to get rid of any range penalties) do you have about 100 CTH? and if I have an AoI do you have an 80 CTH?

QBRanger February 9 2010 3:40 PM EST

So Ranger if I have +450 DBs to cancel out all + from your tattoo and on your ELB and leadership and we have equal dex and its on the last range round with HoC (to get rid of any range penalties) do you have about 100 CTH? and if I have an AoI do you have an 80 CTH?

Yes, but you would not need equal dex with those DBs.

DBs can lower the +100 you get with full dex advantage to the base BTH.

My PTH is 282 on my post battle stats, with leadership of +18. Mikel's DBs are about +343 with naming.

So even thought I have max dex advantage I get 100 BTH plus 100 dex advantage + 18 leadership - 61 (DB) = 157 To Hit in the last few missile rounds.

If he had 450 DBs, that would wipe out all my leadership and dex advantage PTH leaving me with 100 BTH.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 9 2010 4:17 PM EST

this thread has a ton of info on dex based chance to hit as well as a formula.

iBananco [Blue Army] February 9 2010 4:36 PM EST

Step 1: Calculate CTH
Step 2: CTH = min(CTH, max(BTH, CTH - Evasion))
Step 3: CTH = CTH - 20 if an AoI is in play

BTH is only modified by using ranged weapons in melee and sub-1 archery on bows.
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