Disclaimers (in Off-topic)

bartjan February 10 2010 4:31 PM EST

If some organization sends you an email in error with a disclaimer telling you to destroy that mail, how much do you typically charge them for the destruction and replacement of your hard drives?


AdminG Beee February 10 2010 4:34 PM EST

If you're in Europe about $100USD and if you're in the US about $100,000,000.

QBRanger February 10 2010 4:40 PM EST

Beee is right.

In Europe, the cost of the hard drive.

In America, go find a lawyer and start a class action suit. Tying up the courts for years, spending millions of dollars on legal fees, all to get 12 bucks when your suit is settled.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- February 10 2010 6:41 PM EST

It's not ALWAYS that bad... Ok, well... yes it is.

Unappreciated Misnomer February 10 2010 10:16 PM EST

send them a letter c.o.d telling them their the secret is safe with you.
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