Help with the exbow please (in General)

QBRanger March 1 2010 11:48 PM EST

I am trying to understand how PL works with it.

In one fight, with my PL minion at about 230k strength, novice hits my tank for 338k damage. My tank was fully healed and it dropped my PL minions strength to -26k.

Ok, So I put a TSA on my PL minion boosting its strength to over 360k, and the next battle novice hit me for 286k on the first hit and my PL minion is -136k strength.

What happened and why? With more strength on the PL minion, getting his for less damage makes my PL minion go more into the negative on strength?

Therefore preventing my PL minion from PLing the strength drain of the next hit.

I have never been able to PL 2 hits from an exbow on my fights.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 1 2010 11:53 PM EST

PL works fine for me against the exbow...

but I too have never been entirely clear about whose HP is used for comparison with the exbow. I wonder if it's not based on the HP of the PL minion instead of the minion getting hit.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 1 2010 11:53 PM EST

And you never will. Not with that PL guy. The drain ends up being based on the PL minion. So it is basing the damage off of the PL minions hp which is a large portion of his total hp. The reason your str goes farther into the negative is because it is a % drain at over 100%. The higher his str goes the farther into negative it will go. It will go into the negatives regardless as it is though. The only way to start working on making your PL wall have str to drain more hits would be to give him HP. Then you only need to add a little str here and there to overcome the direct drain. With 200k str you are fine on that part.

QBRanger March 2 2010 9:02 AM EST


AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 2 2010 9:20 AM EST

Does the EXbow Damage / Heath function take the original damage dealt, or does it use the 90% value the PL minion takes after PL?

AdminNightStrike March 3 2010 11:24 AM EST

ST drain is based on the HP of the minion being drained. If the PL minion takes the drain, drain is based on the PL minion's HP. If not, then not.

I think.
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