My real reason for opposition to the HC bill (in Debates)

QBRanger March 19 2010 10:47 AM EDT

This is not a Democratic or Republican slated article, just one that basically sums up how I feel about government:

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 19 2010 10:54 AM EDT

badly written propaganda is a great reason, I got too irritated before I got to the part where I'm sure he invoked zombie reagan (who is actually a much more capable president than his living counter part) but I'm sure his argument about why government is always wrong always was sheer perfection

Lochnivar March 19 2010 11:18 AM EDT

"There is no reason to trust an administration that places billions of dollars into the hands of unaccountable 'czars,' including the odd Communist."

Why is it the most damning insult in US politics seems to be calling someone a communist? I mean, intolerant, xenophobic, uneducated.... those we can work with, but so help me god if you have some socialist tendencies.

Meh, that whole article smacks of 'cars can't drive on water so cars are inherently flawed and serve no purpose' reasoning.
Yes, the government has flaws, but it isn't going to disappear or get massively overhauled after 200yrs (just like cars aren't going to all start driving on water).

I guess it comes down to which you find more productive: building bridges or sitting and whining.

Revs March 19 2010 11:31 AM EDT

Good article Ranger. Always nice to find something short, concise, and that sums up perspective from those who happen to be against what is currently happening. I appreciate the find.

AdminQBVerifex March 19 2010 2:59 PM EDT

Trolling article written by a troll, is a troll. The only way we can have government programs is if we have 100% efficiency; we all know that 100% efficiency can only be obtained by a corporation. Because we all know corporations with their legally mandated goal of making money will serve the public's best interest regarding health care. Free market free market! Ugh, gag me with a spoon.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 20 2010 9:33 PM EDT

just this

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 21 2010 11:46 PM EDT

I almost couldn't get past "deeming", but I persevered! Then I discovered I'd become a member of the ruling class and stopped reading to call home!

Cube March 22 2010 1:16 AM EDT

If you start from the assumption that all government programs are inherently evil, there's not much convincing you.

It's also hard to have a legitimate debate.
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