System Hiccup (in General)

Demigod May 12 2010 12:11 PM EDT

Didn't I say it's not polite to fight more than one battle at a time? You'll have to wait about 10 minutes now for fight to be reenabled.
(Multiple suspensions will result in longer penalties.)

Is anyone else having problems with CB right now? I just got a series of errors when fighting, and then I got popped with a penalty without actually earning it.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] May 12 2010 12:13 PM EDT

I've been getting server errors looking at the different tourney characters.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] May 12 2010 12:14 PM EDT

i got one when trying to send a CM ...

it said "this is a special user account and it doesnt actually belong to a real person"

Solare May 12 2010 12:16 PM EDT

Yea, that just happened to me Demi. Though this wouldn't be the first time.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 12 2010 1:02 PM EDT

System error when I attempted to cm Inde

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 12 2010 2:01 PM EDT

Phoneside seems unaffected. Sent a CM Via Droid to Demi without a hitch.

Although I did get a Server Error the first time I tried to post this.

Darkwalker [Jago] May 12 2010 2:07 PM EDT

I got it as well......

Sickone May 12 2010 2:34 PM EDT

It's intermittent and non-specific.
Occasionally even some pages at random throw an error (happened to me just now with the "train" page).

Mikel [Bring it] May 12 2010 3:26 PM EDT

I got it as well :(

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] May 12 2010 4:13 PM EDT

Been happening to me at random while forging.

AdminNightStrike May 12 2010 4:55 PM EDT

No idea.. I was in court all day....

AdminNightStrike May 12 2010 5:04 PM EDT

I just restarted the server. I saw a lot of spurious database errors in the log, so we'll see if that helped.

AdminG Beee May 12 2010 6:22 PM EDT

The fact that you're still posting suggests you were found to be innocent NS. Congratulations.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 12 2010 6:24 PM EDT

Or a witness. ;)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 12 2010 6:47 PM EDT

or that he got stuck with jury duty from a few weeks back.

{CB1}Sparticus [Screwed Justice] May 13 2010 10:38 PM EDT

Didn't I say it's not polite to fight more than one battle at a time? You'll have to wait about 10 minutes now for fight to be reenabled.
(Multiple suspensions will result in longer penalties.)

6th one today... this one was going from an attack to checking clan points.. wierd

AdminNightStrike May 13 2010 10:58 PM EDT

Nah, no jury duty.... speeding (again)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 13 2010 11:08 PM EDT

if you can still get insurance, it isn't excessive speeding! what kind of car do ya drive ns?

AdminNightStrike May 13 2010 11:13 PM EDT

I drive a lot of cars. This one, though, was the gf's car (S40, turbo, awd). Unlike every car I have, she doesn't have LE tags. I tend to forget that :)

AdminNightStrike May 30 2010 5:08 PM EDT

So this issue occurred two or three more times since the first occurrence. I have no idea why, but it stopped. Somehow, CB was losing its handle to the database. Restarting the server in each instance fixed the problem.
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