Tattoo Artist error (in General)

--JDM-- June 24 2010 7:24 PM EDT

Ok what the hell? So i try going to the tattoo artist and it gives me a server error, so i switch to my other character and it opens up just fine... Ok whatever so i transfer my tattoos from the faulty character to the one thats working and now the page wont load on that one but it wil on the other... Did i buy a cursed tattoo or something?

I kept messing with it and i figured out that for some reason which ever character i have my named tattoo on wont open the tattoo artist page. Any ideas why?

--JDM-- June 24 2010 7:32 PM EDT

this is really annoying since i just bought a rune of balrog flame that i planned on using...

AdminNightStrike June 24 2010 11:47 PM EDT

This looks like a bug on my end. Fixing...

AdminNightStrike June 24 2010 11:50 PM EDT

Ok, so at least one server error that you were experiencing was due to me misquoting the text "Less than a day" that appears when something has under 24 hours remaining in the Undo tables. That's fixed. That doesn't mean there aren't more errors to fix. Please try to break it again (anyone that would like to help, too).

AdminNightStrike June 25 2010 6:41 PM EDT

Any confirmations on fixedness? Anyone?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] June 25 2010 6:43 PM EDT

I should be able to say if you can access the tattoo artist with less than a day left in 3 days.

AdminNightStrike June 25 2010 7:00 PM EDT

Ok, thanks.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 28 2010 8:39 PM EDT

I should be able to say if you can access the tattoo artist with less than a day left in 3 days.

reminder bumpage! ; )

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] June 28 2010 9:10 PM EDT

My tourney char got retired too soon T_T so I can't check it anymore. Someone else is going to need to check it.

AdminShade June 29 2010 4:49 PM EDT

why not just ink an almost base lesser and keep track of that one? would only cost you a small amount of cash
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