"get more" link not working.... (in General)

Chucktilla June 28 2010 1:25 PM EDT

I keep clicking, but the "get more BA" screen doesn't pop-up.... I have 60+ BA left to burn..... Or rather I should have..... I just can not seem to get to it....

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] June 28 2010 1:33 PM EDT

Its working just fine for me.

Demigod June 28 2010 1:37 PM EDT

It's a user problem. You may want to "get more" java updates. See if it works on another browser.

AdminShade June 28 2010 1:43 PM EDT


This also works for you afaik. :)

AdminNightStrike June 28 2010 2:02 PM EDT

Do you have javascript disabled?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 28 2010 2:18 PM EDT

I'd suggest rebooting, in certain browsers once JS crashes it doesn't come back without completely exiting.

Chucktilla June 28 2010 8:39 PM EDT

It appears I can get more now. I'll keep all your suggetions in mind for future reference. Thanks for all the responses. ;)

Sickone June 29 2010 4:29 AM EDT

What page were you viewing at the time ?
If you're looking at a huge page (vertically speaking), things could get a bit weird in the past, not so sure if it couldn't still happen even with the new style version.
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