Tournament: 'let's get ready to fumble' (in Contests)

AdminShade October 20 2010 2:08 PM EDT

Your challenge: create a tournament. You can do this on your own or with anyone or even everyone else in this thread.

Your prize: being able to play the tournament.

Your task: make a tournament worthy of playing and worthy of the following title:

Let's get ready to fumble

Sickone October 20 2010 4:07 PM EDT

"Parallel Universe" tournament

1. No BA limit. You start with 20,000 BA. Rewards at x20 of normal (1900% bonus). EVERYTHING is allowed.
2. You can ONLY attack other tournament members. No attacks outside tournament characters.
3. All items in the game available in the shop at a price equal to max (NW, "Avg price - NW"), including supporter items. All items are base items, unless special (like the AoI, for instance).
4. Tournament lasts 3 months, at the end of which, all current BA is reset to zero and all fighting ceases until first weekend.
5. During the first weekend, enough BA is added so that everybody can attack everybody else in the tournament 20 times. You HAVE to attack everybody else at least 20 times.
6. Only the first 20 attacks are taken into account. Multiple-taps ALLOWED. Each win is 3 points, each draw 2 points, each stalemate 1 point, losses no points.
7. Whoever has most points wins.

Sickone October 20 2010 4:10 PM EDT

Hmm. I guess the tournament title would be more appropriate if the win criteria would be REVERSED... whoever has the LEAST points wins :)

Sickone October 20 2010 4:12 PM EDT

P.S. You have to burn at least the 30k BA to qualify - that's the starter 20k plus another 10k along the way.
Also, ALL your XP need to be trained into something at least daily.

AdminTal Destra October 20 2010 4:13 PM EDT

retrains allowed? if so at the end ill retrain to all str

Sickone October 20 2010 4:14 PM EDT

Retrains disabled, dismissing minions disabled :P

Sickone October 20 2010 4:16 PM EDT

And you also need to WIN at least 10k battles (defender wins count) to qualify. Just to make it even harder.

M. Hand October 20 2010 4:18 PM EDT

Couldn't you just make an absolutely horrid strategy, and win the tournament, by losing?

Sickone October 20 2010 4:18 PM EDT

Disenchanting equipment also disabled. All gear you have needs to be equipped. And you need to have less than 1 mil CB$ on your team.
Also, MGS on minions casting any magic is prohibited.
At least 10% of your XP needs to go into HP or AS.

Sickone October 20 2010 4:19 PM EDT

Couldn't you just make an absolutely horrid strategy, and win the tournament, by losing?

I though that's pretty much implied by a tournament entitled "Let's get ready to fumble" :)
Although you can ignore that title and go with my original idea.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2010 5:04 PM EDT

is the 10% of xp into HP or AS for every minion or across the team?

Sickone October 20 2010 7:05 PM EDT


Unappreciated Misnomer October 20 2010 8:04 PM EDT

my idea would be that you get 1billion experience to divide up on 1-4 minions and no tattoos. this is all done before any fighting is done

then we do the classic tournament where tha last 2 standing fight for the gold.

i chose such a high experience count so that all t players cant realistically get any bonus from fighting any one else other than t players.
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