My milestone & its smooth transition (in General)

Ankou November 6 2010 6:22 PM EDT

Today marks the end of my NUB. Yay, but there goes my 487% bonus.

At this point, I have switched realms and more BA costs money :(, but I am still getting my NUB%. I expect it to go away at midnight, but why doesn't it change at the same time as the other two?

Unappreciated Misnomer November 6 2010 6:33 PM EDT

you have until the cache flush at 4am server time

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 6 2010 7:08 PM EDT

Be happy and take advantage while you can!

By the way this is when the trial begins, the first couple of weeks after the bonus are the hardest. Once past that you will be fine just remind yourself that everyone goes through the same thing :-)

Demigod November 7 2010 12:15 AM EDT

Yes, the next two weeks suck. That's why I wish there was a step-down period.
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