Black Market Vote Guide (in General)

Guardian November 7 2010 12:24 PM EST

currently, people are expending votes on a crap combat gi that we see a ton of it on auction... also 122 votes we wont ever suceed.

i sugest we choose a new item and focus on it coz only together we gonna sucessfully spawn an item.

i am not good to say so please sugest the item... max 96 votes not more than it

thank you for your attention i hope my claim works

AdminTal Destra November 7 2010 12:28 PM EST

we don't need more items spawned by the black market... i rarely even vote anymore since i see it as a waste of time...

there are more than enough items out there for all the active users

Invader Sye November 7 2010 1:33 PM EST

Kinda sad that we only have 156 active users in the past 7 days. Black market would be nice if we had more people playing xD

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 7 2010 2:01 PM EST

I am with Tal on this one.

Guardian November 7 2010 2:27 PM EST

We could spawn tats like balrog flame or ros that are a lil bit harder to find and cost only 48 votes...

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] November 7 2010 3:12 PM EST

I've yet to see a good reason to not vote in the black-market. Lots of items is a very good thing.

Why encourage sellouts?

QBOddBird November 7 2010 5:18 PM EST

Why encourage sellouts?

Because I want their stuff

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] November 7 2010 5:19 PM EST

Auctions have no effect on sellouts outside of the price they ask.

winner winner November 7 2010 5:41 PM EST

I don't see a good reason for voting in the Black Market. There are easily enough items for anyone to get what they want.

If you want to vote, then vote for something useless so there are less items.

Phoenix [The Forgehood] November 7 2010 7:37 PM EST

I'd like to see some more RoBfs too...

Guardian November 7 2010 8:22 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 5 48 89.6%

Guardian November 12 2010 4:49 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 8 48 83.3%

Guardian November 13 2010 4:15 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 11 48 77.1%

Guardian November 13 2010 6:55 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 13 48 72.9%


Guardian November 13 2010 10:40 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 19 48 60.4%

good job, we are getting closer!

Guardian November 13 2010 12:10 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 23 48 52.1%

keep it up! just 25 left

Solare November 13 2010 1:07 PM EST

Since were not going to do anything about the amount of active users we have in CB, at least we could lower the BM votes to make the system viable, because I agree it is currently hopeless and useless to vote there.

Guardian November 13 2010 3:45 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 25 48 47.9%

its just once a week come on

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] November 13 2010 3:56 PM EST

I believe that there are a lot of people who refuse to vote because they do not want to lower the market even further than it already is. I myself haven't voted in a long time and I won't until items really start being worth more than around 100k in most cases.

Guardian November 13 2010 4:39 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 26 48 45.8%

its hard to find balrog flames so its a good reason to vote

also its easy to spawn it

Guardian November 14 2010 7:39 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 26 48 45.8%

go vote!

Guardian November 14 2010 2:09 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 28 48 41.7%

20 votes left dudey

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] November 14 2010 11:50 PM EST

dudley got banned ;P

Guardian November 15 2010 4:34 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 33 48 31.2%

new weeek go vote

Guardian November 15 2010 9:28 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 38 48 20.8%

10 votes left dude

Guardian November 15 2010 9:44 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 40 48 16.7%

yeah yeah

8 votes left!

Guardian November 15 2010 2:41 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 44 48 8.3%

4 votes left dude!

Guardian November 15 2010 6:43 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 46 48 4.2%

2 votes left! u can do it!

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] November 15 2010 6:46 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 47 48 2.1%

Victimizer November 15 2010 6:59 PM EST

Ask And Ye Shall Receive.

Guardian November 16 2010 7:43 PM EST

dont waste your votes

lets try this

Pair of Spellboosters 9 96 90.6%

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 17 2010 2:14 AM EST

Not to hijack this thread or ruin any positives but I will only vote for tattoos

Guardian November 17 2010 8:12 AM EST

i also think tatoos are the only thing we can spawn with our current active users..

Guardian November 20 2010 4:39 PM EST

it seems everybody wants balrog flames, why dont we go for it again?

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 20 2010 4:40 PM EST

I know I could use them I have about 20 tattoos I need re-inking

Guardian November 21 2010 8:00 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 2 48 95.8%

Guardian November 21 2010 11:07 AM EST


Rune of Balrog Flame 4 48 91.7%

Guardian November 22 2010 8:43 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 6 48 87.5%

Guardian November 22 2010 12:21 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 9 48 81.2%

come on dude u can do it

Guardian November 23 2010 10:21 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 15 48 68.8%

come on

Guardian November 24 2010 8:19 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 17 48 64.6%

yeah yeah

AdminTal Destra November 24 2010 8:20 AM EST

no more... if anyone needs a RoBF (i haven't seen a WTB thread for one, so im assuming not) i have 3 i can sell

Guardian November 24 2010 9:10 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 18 48 62.5%

Guardian November 24 2010 3:41 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 21 48 56.2%

Lord Bob November 24 2010 3:56 PM EST

I believe that there are a lot of people who refuse to vote because they do not want to lower the market even further than it already is. I myself haven't voted in a long time and I won't until items really start being worth more than around 100k in most cases.
This is why I either don't vote, or just vote for useless junk when I'm bored.

And RBFs are incredibly bad for my team, so I certainly won't be voting to produce more of those.

Guardian November 24 2010 6:13 PM EST

the next will probably be halidon familiar

Guardian November 26 2010 10:00 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 22 48 54.2%

come o guys lets spawn this..

so we can choose next tat prolly hal

Guardian November 26 2010 10:24 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 23 48 52.1%

Guardian November 26 2010 11:43 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 25 48 47.9%

go for it

Guardian November 26 2010 2:18 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 26 48 45.8%

22 left

Guardian November 26 2010 8:03 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 26 48 45.8%

go vote

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] November 27 2010 1:40 AM EST

We don't need to vote when you already sold one to the store.

Guardian November 27 2010 5:06 AM EST

is wasn't me, i just pointed there was 1 available on store.

Guardian November 29 2010 12:10 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 27 48 43.8%

you can vote again

come on 21 needed

Guardian November 29 2010 5:29 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 31 48 35.4%

thank you, 17 needed

Guardian November 29 2010 2:18 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 35 48 27.1%

13 votes left,

we need ya!

Guardian November 29 2010 4:52 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 38 48 20.8%

10 to go

votes can do miracles

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] November 29 2010 5:10 PM EST

votes can do miracles


Guardian November 30 2010 8:58 AM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 43 48 10.4%

5 votes!

finish him!

Guardian November 30 2010 5:00 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 45 48 6.2%

3 are the magical number of votes needed!

Guardian November 30 2010 6:11 PM EST

Rune of Balrog Flame 46 48 4.2%

2 dudes

Unappreciated Misnomer November 30 2010 9:02 PM EST

1 :)

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] November 30 2010 10:19 PM EST

Thought I should do something useful while I was on .... Last vote placed

Guardian December 1 2010 3:39 AM EST

up next:

Halidon Familiar 0 48 100.0%

Guardian December 1 2010 7:13 AM EST

Halidon Familiar 2 48 95.8%

Guardian December 1 2010 8:14 AM EST

Halidon Familiar 3 48 93.8%

Guardian December 2 2010 12:44 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 5 48 89.6%

Guardian December 3 2010 1:36 PM EST



Halidon Familiar 5 48 89.6%

Guardian December 3 2010 6:09 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 5 48 89.6%

no worry i am persistant

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 3 2010 6:28 PM EST

Katana 7 17 58.8%

Goooooo Katanas!

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] December 3 2010 6:47 PM EST

Katana 8 17 52.9% Woot Go Katanas!

Guardian December 3 2010 6:54 PM EST

this can't be real.

what a shame.

Guardian December 3 2010 6:55 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 6 48 87.5%

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 3 2010 7:32 PM EST

If you guys don't want to vote then don't but leave your nonsense out of kw"s thread..

Man sometime I forget we have some trully class acts on this site!

{EQ}Viperboy December 3 2010 8:02 PM EST

combat Gi are kind rare though u know? with two cycles of voting, one should spawn from the black market.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 3 2010 8:16 PM EST

combat Gi are kind rare though u know? with two cycles of voting, one should spawn from the black market.

I was more referring to the voting of the katana.

Guardian December 4 2010 4:22 AM EST

VIPER, from my experience, the max we can reach its 50-60 votes

nothing above it is possible, that's why i only suggest itens 60 or less votes needed

Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 4 2010 8:37 AM EST

Support our GIs!

Guardian December 4 2010 8:43 AM EST

why dont u Go mess with the DEVIL in tha hell!

damm why is so hard for people to don't disturb others plans?

Guardian December 4 2010 8:46 AM EST



Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 4 2010 9:09 AM EST

Send raging capslock CMs to everyone voting for GIs why dontcha....
Since this is all about you. You're constant bumping is probably more the problem than the solution for the BMVG.
Do you know what a surplus of back art leads to?

Suggest you get some and chill out. ;)

Guardian December 4 2010 9:29 AM EST

Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%
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Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%
Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%
Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%
Halidon Familiar 7 48 85.4%

Guardian December 5 2010 5:38 AM EST

Halidon Familiar 8 48 83.3%

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 5 2010 10:07 AM EST

Combat Gi 22 82.0%

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 10:22 AM EST

I have a few GI's if you guys need one, something tells me you don't though.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 5 2010 3:47 PM EST

Katana 9 17 47.1%

Only 8 more!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 6 2010 11:31 AM EST

Combat Gi 24 122 80.3%

PearsonTritonRaveshaw December 6 2010 1:28 PM EST

lol Titan... xD
Kill Bill is over!

Guardian December 7 2010 12:33 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 13 48 72.9%

go for it!

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 7 2010 12:37 PM EST

Katana 10 17 41.2%

Only seven more!

Guardian December 7 2010 12:46 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 14 48 70.8%

there is still people with good sense here.

don't let this [nov edit] mess with you, it's hard but we can do it.

EDIT: masking swears isn't ok either - novice

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 7 2010 1:45 PM EST

Please remember thread hijacking isn't allowed, courtesy despite disagreement is important to us!

It's also annoying to see the crying wolves making another appearance here, is being constructive that hard?

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 7 2010 2:14 PM EST

Halidon Familiar 18 48 62.5%

I've paid my dues. Time after time. I've done my sentence, but committed no crime!
And bad mistakes, I've made a few, I've had my share of sand kicked in my face, but I've come through! w2g K-Dub!
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