Anniversary (in Off-topic)

AdminTal Destra December 6 2010 7:56 PM EST

Should have made this thread earlier but I didn't want to steal Kefeck's thunder.

Today is Tootsie Pop and my 1 year marriage anniversary.

Be sure to CM her and ask why she stuck with me for this long, lol.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 6 2010 7:57 PM EST

Wicked Awesome Congrats!

Demigod December 6 2010 7:58 PM EST


Achievement Unlocked: Not Divorced

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 6 2010 8:00 PM EST

Wow a whole year with you..... she is a very tolerant woman!


Congratz to the both of you and I wish you many many more to come! :-D

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 6 2010 8:03 PM EST


IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] December 6 2010 8:10 PM EST

What he didn't say is that Nov 5th was our 4 year anniversary of putting up with him today was just the wedding!!!!
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