What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas? (in Contests)

{cb1}dyno December 23 2010 6:41 PM EST

random base tat's as rewards for creative/funny/whatever answers that hit me right :) Merry Christmas everyone!

As for me, a pair of khakis, a few books I've had my eye on, and a new set of brakes for my car :)

AdminTal Destra December 23 2010 6:43 PM EST

free dental repair to my broken teeth

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 23 2010 6:46 PM EST

The one gift I would ask for is for the zombie apocalypse to come. :( That would be pretty sweet.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] December 23 2010 6:51 PM EST

The girl from 4E...

*crosses fingers and hopes people get the reference*

Unappreciated Misnomer December 23 2010 6:54 PM EST

4 feet of snow and a hill

{cb1}dyno December 23 2010 6:56 PM EST


BadFish December 23 2010 6:59 PM EST

I want Santa to bring me definitive proof that he exists, that is tangible so I can sell it and become rich.

Or he could just bring me money and skip the middleman.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] December 23 2010 7:04 PM EST

Haha excellent you knew exactly what I was talkin' about :D

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 23 2010 8:10 PM EST

A 4.0 this quarter.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 23 2010 8:24 PM EST

I hope Santa falls and smashes his face.

VsCountStrum [Black Watch] December 23 2010 8:45 PM EST

4E and a HotTub sound like a good idea!

Invader Sye December 23 2010 9:05 PM EST

I want to share my gift, could you please bring an end to all life as we humans know it?

King December 23 2010 9:30 PM EST

Death to my enemies.... and a pony for novice.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] December 23 2010 9:47 PM EST

swirled peas

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2010 10:23 PM EST

Free surgery. I can dream at least.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 23 2010 11:06 PM EST


Kingkiller December 23 2010 11:12 PM EST

Early retirement

Canibus December 23 2010 11:15 PM EST

To never let full energy Infestors die.

Sickone December 24 2010 9:45 AM EST

A nice game of thermonuclear global war.

Guardian December 24 2010 10:13 AM EST

he should bring peace to our hearts, because it representes the day Jesus born to give us freedom from our sentenced soul that would suffer forever, now we are forever his son if we acept him in our hearts and believe in his Holy Bible, wich is his own words to us.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 24 2010 10:16 AM EST

A nice game of thermonuclear global war.

You want Fallout: New Vegas too?

Catdog December 24 2010 10:17 AM EST

santa needs to bring me.... CB$ woooo

Areodjarekput December 25 2010 1:23 AM EST

A TAC-15i Tactical Assault Crossbow

AdminNightStrike December 25 2010 11:08 AM EST


ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 25 2010 11:21 AM EST

A tactical crossbow would be pretty good for during a zombie apocalypse / post-thermonuclear apocalypse.

renamedname [The Forgehood] December 25 2010 11:23 AM EST

I would have wished me Mr. Plow, as we have about 70cm of snow. ;)
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