wish me luck i dont die today (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer December 24 2010 7:12 AM EST

with all the bad weather recently ive been given the task to put a roof back on a clients house today. which is the tallest building in that neighbourhood. the winds were so strong it took one side of the roof in its entirety and flipped it over to the other side like closing a book. its still kinda bad here weather wise, there is still strong winds, it snowed all last night and its cold enough now that all the water laying around and what ever is soaked is surely frozen and dangerous.

be a carpenter they said, do nothing but nail and screw all day they said...

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 24 2010 7:54 AM EST

Well, there will be a lot to bring you closer with Jesus today. ;)

QBOddBird December 24 2010 12:38 PM EST

Good luck, try your best not to die

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2010 12:43 PM EST

Break a leg... err wait that's show business

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] December 24 2010 12:50 PM EST

Ohh that doesn't sound like fun. Good luck, don't freeze your butt off out there, and definitely try not to slip and fall that wouldn't be good. I hope all goes well for ya.
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