February Drop Thread (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer February 4 2011 4:14 PM EST

From: system Sent: 4:12 PM EST
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Alatar's Gloves [0] (+3). Use it well!

Mikel [Bring it] February 4 2011 4:22 PM EST

Sent: February 1 6:59 AM EST
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+0). Use it well!

Sent: February 3 11:48 PM EST
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Halidon Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

bohab February 4 2011 6:30 PM EST

January 26 8:54 AM EST
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Steel Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

February 1 1:16 PM EST
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+2). Use it well!

February 3 12:13 PM EST
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Assassin's Crossbow [4x2] (+2). Use it well!

Mikel [Bring it] February 4 2011 11:39 PM EST

Delivered: 11:38 PM EST
You find a A Katana [74x10] (+10). Use it well!

Kong Ming February 5 2011 2:44 AM EST

Sent: 2:25 AM EST Delivered: 2:42 AM EST
You find a A Steel Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Catdog February 5 2011 9:53 AM EST

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Ice Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Catdog February 5 2011 1:00 PM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+9). Use it well!

Mikel [Bring it] February 5 2011 1:12 PM EST

(12:55 PM EST)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Unappreciated Misnomer February 5 2011 6:40 PM EST

From: system Sent: 6:39 PM EST
You find a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well!

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 5 2011 10:04 PM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mithril Shield [22] (+9). Use it well!

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 5 2011 10:07 PM EST

From: system Sent: February 3 1:50 PM EST Delivered: February 3 1:50 PM EST
You find a A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x1] (+2). Use it well!

From: system Sent: January 25 5:29 PM EST Delivered: January 25 5:30 PM EST
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Set of Tulkas' Gauntlets [6] (+4). Use it well!

Mikel [Bring it] February 6 2011 2:16 AM EST

(February 5 1:46 PM EST)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+1). Use it well!

Sickone February 6 2011 11:33 AM EST

6 feb From: system (11:33 AM EST)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 8 2011 10:04 AM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+4). Use it well!

Coheed February 8 2011 10:38 AM EST

Sent: February 3 7:28 PM EST Delivered: February 3 8:28 PM EST
You find a A Set of Boots of Fortitude [12] (+4). Use it well!

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 8 2011 2:57 PM EST

From: system Sent: 2:57 PM EST
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Fire Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] February 8 2011 5:21 PM EST

I got an Ice Familiar and ES. Real exciting I know ;).

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] February 9 2011 1:28 AM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mageseeker [5x5] (+4). Use it well!

Sickone February 9 2011 5:12 AM EST

9 feb - From: system (5:11 AM EST)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+4). Use it well!

Kingkiller February 9 2011 4:38 PM EST

From: system Sent: 4:20 PM EST Delivered: 4:37 PM EST
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 20. Use it well!

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 11 2011 10:28 AM EST

You find a A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+7). Use it well!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] February 11 2011 3:21 PM EST

You won A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+5) for 105001

I'm not so lucky with drops...but this is a start I guess XD

ScrObot February 12 2011 5:32 AM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Buckler of Mandos [10] (+9). Use it well!

ScrObot February 14 2011 9:02 PM EST

My best drop ever:
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Junction [0] (+10). Use it well!

ScrObot February 14 2011 10:56 PM EST

Geez, don't get anything for over a month and suddenly it's raining drops:
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x1] (+2). Use it well!

Lord Bob February 15 2011 9:43 AM EST

You find a A Halidon Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] February 15 2011 1:40 PM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+7). Use it well!

Meh. Not sure how to feel about that one...

Lord Bob February 15 2011 10:11 PM EST

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Electric Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!
Wow, two in a day!

rusty February 16 2011 8:37 PM EST

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x1] (+2). Use it well!

Well, That's my first prize. Let's look forward to the next and hope for better.

dj1914 February 16 2011 9:14 PM EST

From: system Sent: February 15 2:06 PM EST Delivered: February 15 2:06 PM EST
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Might [0] (+5). Use it well!

Catdog February 16 2011 9:22 PM EST

Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+0). Use it well!

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 18 2011 12:47 AM EST

From: system (12:47 AM EST)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] February 18 2011 9:09 AM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x6] (+4). Use it well!

HA! First one in a looooong time XD

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] February 18 2011 9:28 AM EST

You find a A Mageseeker [5x7] (+10). Use it well!

I don't believe it XD

Windwalker February 18 2011 9:48 AM EST

From: system Sent: 9:23 AM EST Delivered: 9:43 AM EST
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+0). Use it well!
From: system Sent: 9:20 AM EST Delivered: 9:20 AM EST
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Fire Familiar lvl 20. Use it well!
A double up :)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] February 18 2011 5:58 PM EST

You find a An Amulet of AC [0] (+6). Use it well!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] February 19 2011 9:01 AM EST

You find a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+10). Use it well!

Unappreciated Misnomer February 22 2011 5:56 AM EST

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Rune of Solitude lvl 20. Use it well!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] February 22 2011 6:31 AM EST

You find a A Katana [74x5] (+3). Use it well!

Stop giving me Kats! This would be like the 4th one I've gotten through drops. >_<

AdminTal Destra February 22 2011 9:26 AM EST

You find a A Helm of Durin [9] (+8). Use it well!

bohab February 22 2011 12:47 PM EST

You find a A Cornuthaum [0] (+5). Use it well!

Sickone February 23 2011 7:13 PM EST

From: system (7:12 PM EST)
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Set of Chain Mail Leggings [18] (+1). Use it well!

Unappreciated Misnomer February 24 2011 5:11 PM EST

From: system Sent: 11:15 AM EST Delivered: 1:42 PM EST
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+3). Use it well!

QBOddBird February 24 2011 5:55 PM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 20. Use it well!

QBOddBird February 25 2011 10:11 AM EST

From: system Sent: 10:11 AM EST
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Elven Stiletto [55x1] (+6). Use it well!

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 25 2011 10:21 PM EST

From: system Sent: 10:15 PM EST Delivered: 10:15 PM EST
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [4] (+4). Use it well!

rusty February 27 2011 10:48 PM EST

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Mithril Chain Mail [28]. Use it well!
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