Awesome! Look at these poor people reacting to a little girl in a hallway.
Skip to 34 seconds for the stuff to start getting interesting.
Any housekeeper that doesn't hunt down and kill stray children is a keeper.
(assuming you don't have a good illegal immigrant supply, those folks actually want to help or something?!?)
Funny video though....
Seriously, who is scared of little girls? (other than OB?)
Oh my now that was funny! Oh my sides are hurting!
I have to say I would hesitate at first not from fear but to see if it was a setup. There are many that start out just like that, a child alone in an area just standing there then as the victim attempts to help the child or is distracted by the child the perpetrators attack and mug them. After checking it out I would still go and see if the child is okay and needed some help, obviously there is something odd going on there.
Hilarious video, although it does leave me slightly baffled. Was this right after those Ring movies or something? Seeing so many regular adults freak out over seeing a kid standing in a hall just puzzles me.
It was like the girl from The Ring put in place of the girl from The Shining.
The lady who charged the kid was ready to do some damage.
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