Fight Feed (in General)

Kingkiller March 7 2011 7:42 PM EST

So is the fight feed broke permanently?

QBOddBird March 7 2011 7:44 PM EST

I know it was disabled until they figured out why it was making CB unsufferably slow....I guess it is dead forever!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 7 2011 7:46 PM EST


Demigod March 7 2011 7:55 PM EST

For what it's worth, I'm fine with having a day of code testing, even if it means dropping CB to useless speeds. It's worth it to get the bugs fixed.

AdminQBVerifex March 7 2011 8:01 PM EST

Actually, I have a fix for it, but I haven't written it yet. I've been too busy with school and work stuff. When I get a chance I will put it in. It should fix the BA updating thing and the fight feed, as well as any other ajax routines that previously worked.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 7 2011 8:24 PM EST


QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 7 2011 9:29 PM EST

I'm totally okay with it being off.

Sickone March 7 2011 9:51 PM EST

I'm totally okay with it being off.

For once, I completely agree with Bast.
In fact, I would say, good riddance, please don't fix it, and while you're at it, could you remove the corresponding box from the sidebar ?

Kingkiller March 7 2011 9:58 PM EST

Not to start a debate but can I ask why some of you don't want it? If the lag is fixed I feel I at least have something to watch besides chat lol.

Demigod March 7 2011 9:59 PM EST

They don't want people to see when they're fighting (farm bait).

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 7 2011 10:11 PM EST

I found it added another dynamic to fighting. It really made it possible for farming and countering farming to be feasible.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 7 2011 10:17 PM EST

i think that it added to the game in that it made it feel more alive around here. regardless of the time of day or the lack of forum posts, you could tell that someone else was alive in cb land other than yourself.

realistically at this point it is probably less time-consuming to fix, given he knows how to do it, than to remove. i would much rather have him spending his time on some of the other bugs than removing something that bothers a percentage of the players and others are fine with.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 7 2011 10:19 PM EST

More than fine >.<

Kingkiller March 7 2011 11:23 PM EST

i think that it added to the game in that it made it feel more alive around here. regardless of the time of day or the lack of forum posts, you could tell that someone else was alive in cb land other than yourself. <

Completely agree

AdminQBVerifex March 8 2011 2:53 PM EST

The fight feed was not making CB slow by itself. What was making CB slow was the culmination of lots of little requests (ba refresh, fight feed, fight button, get more ba calls) by the browser resulting in the browser connection limit being hit and causing client-side timeouts to occur. This problem has been resolved in the newest version of jQuery by using deferred ajax calls. I just haven't had the time to re-implement it using the new ajax stack.

AdminShade March 8 2011 3:32 PM EST

Fight Feed?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 8 2011 10:23 PM EST

Fight Feed?

<<<box in the left pane, it would show recent fights...sound familiar at all? ; P
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