CB themes (in General)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 9 2011 10:18 AM EST

I remember back in CB1 we had various themes and I was wondering why it was taken off. I know I could sort through the previous post and probably find out for myself.

Ulmo does what he pleases.

This would be cool to have again especially if all the things needed are easily accessible.

P.S. I know there are other things that are more important and you are probably working on them. I just figured I would throw this out there.

P.P.S T-shirts and new supporter items?

QBOddBird March 9 2011 10:25 AM EST


I use modern mono

Demigod March 9 2011 10:30 AM EST

Ha, I'm in the Modern Mono sample image:

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 9 2011 12:22 PM EST

I can't seem to get it working with sylistic for Chrome

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 9 2011 1:37 PM EST

Awesome wish I knew about this before, just started using modern mono.

Unappreciated Misnomer March 9 2011 2:23 PM EST

I was always wonder where they went to. Themes used to be on the settings page in cb and for a short time on 2?. There were countless numbers, Google Search was my favorite when stuck working at the office.

rusty March 9 2011 10:44 PM EST

How do I install different themes on IE?
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