Oh BA (in General)

xXDeadscarXx March 15 2011 7:51 PM EDT

OH BA i love you so...but you leave so quickly....BA when will you return...in a few hours...OH BA it is ok...you are forgiven.

Demigod March 15 2011 8:01 PM EDT

Enjoy all that free "get more" BA while you can. After six months, it costs lots of virtual moolah.

Guardian March 15 2011 8:52 PM EDT

wish i have free ba like you

xXDeadscarXx March 15 2011 8:59 PM EDT

Huh didnt even know i could do that lol...is that cuz of the nub thing?

Guardian March 15 2011 9:18 PM EDT

YES. u have only 6 months of this easy life as NUB.
(new user bonus)

Unappreciated Misnomer March 15 2011 9:41 PM EDT

/does scare tactic no1 (commitment)

"with all that free BA! you have a shot to make it to the top!"


QBOddBird March 15 2011 10:09 PM EDT

Yeah, the New User Bonus is designed to give you a shot at the top if you should desire to try for it. 6 months of a massive bonus, big growth, extra cash, and then you'll start regular gameplay.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 15 2011 10:13 PM EDT

someone get this nub in a clan so he can start getting some real help and advice! ; )

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 15 2011 10:16 PM EDT

and then you'll start regular gameplay.a

Which translated means you get to start the grindfest. If you are not used to grind(power) leveling chars then it's gonna be tough (not even counting just how addictive that Bonus truly is.). In the end what will truly matter is what you have gained from the community on an overall. This is what will keep you coming back, in short talk and get to know other players in Chat, PMS and CMs.

Kingkiller March 15 2011 11:42 PM EDT

I have until the 25th of April until I reach that point, thankfully I was taught very early to maximize on the use of free BA and I have been doing so ever since thanks to the great guidance I received.

xXDeadscarXx March 16 2011 12:31 AM EDT

Wow was trying to post a long comment but could not because the [edited - bodacious awesome] spell check...realy... the only words I used wrong and there not is MMORPGs and MuDs. Witch I have played for the longest time im not a complete noob I know what im doing this is just alot of info in one...so im learning alot of it...the system on here is alittle diffrent then some iv played with but im femiler with MuDs and this is not to far off of one

Edit note: Deadscar, we do not allow swear words or abbreviations of it.

xXDeadscarXx March 16 2011 6:42 PM EDT

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