I have been trolled so hard.... (in Links)

QBOddBird March 17 2011 9:15 PM EDT


Lochnivar March 17 2011 9:21 PM EDT

wow... I watched that whole thing waiting for the punchline...

That was nauseating.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 17 2011 9:26 PM EDT

Oh my crazies... Seriously I don't even have a response to this other then a dropped jaw and a swift palm to the face.

Arggg, must fight urge to angrily respond to delusional people..

Demigod March 17 2011 9:43 PM EDT

Trolled is right. No one is that dumb; this is just a YouTube fame troll.

Here's more of her with too much stupidity to be believable:

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 17 2011 9:44 PM EDT

Ahh, confessions of a troll.

QBOddBird March 17 2011 11:20 PM EDT

Taking advantage of the Japanese quake disaster as an opportunity to troll is a pretty good example of just how low some people can be. :[

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] March 17 2011 11:21 PM EDT

Makes me sick

Lochnivar March 20 2011 12:17 AM EDT

and then there is this one...


What part of your brain expects positive results from throwing that up on the internet?

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 20 2011 1:34 AM EDT

It's easy to get over what the stripper said about asians, but her greatest insult is breathing. She should at the very least show some american manners and do so with her top off.

QBOddBird March 20 2011 2:05 AM EDT

She should at the very least show some american manners and do so with her top off.

this is why gun and i get along
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