2 years ago... (in General)

Demigod March 18 2011 2:49 PM EDT

It's been two years since I rejoined CB. The anniversary was on the 16th, but I didn't catch it.

It's absolutely insane to think that two years have passed. Right after I started playing, a massive storm rolled through and knocked down half a dozen trees at my parents' home. My parents had just left for a week-long vacation as my dad finished recovering from major heart surgery, so I spent the week at their house, working day-in and day-out to remove the mess before they returned and found out. I was trying to protect my dad from stress.

It honestly seems like just two months ago rather than two years ago. Thanks for keeping me entertained!

AdminShade March 18 2011 3:30 PM EDT

And as far as I'm considered to be part of the entertainment, it has been my pleasure :)

QBOddBird March 18 2011 3:32 PM EDT

I'm glad you rejoined us! You are a valuable member of the forums, the game, the chat, the community. :]

Lochnivar March 18 2011 3:33 PM EDT

I'm sorry, who are you again?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 18 2011 4:13 PM EDT

They grow up so fast! ;P
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