1600 starting, 1600 cap, 12 hours starting at noon server.
100000% bonus
highest mpr wins
Decay allowed
I thought this was supposed to be a UC tourney but apparently not, so anything is game?
Why no melee weapons? And why are there four tattoo types in the store?
May 22 2011 1:26 PM EDT
"highest mpr wins decay allowed"
how much difference does decay do? :O
Sucks always having to retire my farms I made for people starting NCB's. Why don't you guys try finding real targets?
I totally botched that one up from the get go, got bored and retrained everything at the end and sold all the gear to make a +101 combat gi
TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) Natasha' (Kamon) $250000 -- Winner! 9:43 AM EDT
Note to self: do not ever name my character test again lol..
Congrats Natasha" I guess, even though I won! :P
Poor Kef, I had a feeling that was going to happen haha.
Wait what? ...
I'll send over your prize later Kef... but seriously?
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