fire up the delorean! (in Off-topic)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 23 2011 7:20 PM EDT

See how scientists caught subatomic particles traveling faster than light in this infographic.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] September 23 2011 7:30 PM EDT

I found out about this earlier today in what I thought to be an amusing exchange of messages.

Text I got from my friend at 4:28 this morning:

Him: "Yo, today at the LHC they observed a particle traveling faster than light. Everything has broken down."
Me: "Sweet."
Him: "Your reaction should exceed 'sweet', Everything has broken down."
Me: "Extraordinary."

You might not be amused but I was...

Anyway fascinating stuff.

Reyth September 23 2011 7:44 PM EDT

Aha, something beyond our physical eyes. :) Brillliant. :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] September 23 2011 8:22 PM EDT

Next, time travel.

Or teleportation.

I never liked the idea that time was the 4th dimension. Never sat right with me. And that experiment with the train and two candles. I alwasy thought that was flawed somehow. ;)

Sickone September 23 2011 8:23 PM EDT

Probably travelling 0.002% faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

"Probably", because they're not absolutely sure it's not a systematic measurement error due to forgetting to account for... heck knows what.
0.002% faster is a big deal theoretically, but from a practical standpoint, it's as good as negligible.
Most vacuum we as humans have access to in which we can measure the speed of light is not perfect nothingness (see Casimir effect), and there are things that do move faster than light IN CERTAIN MEDIUMS (see stuff like Cherenkov radiation, for instance) so it could be that "the speed of light in a vacuum" is not actually the fastest speed light can go (or it could be that the gravity of the planet we're on, or maybe even the sun itself might "slow down" light near the gravity well), and in an absolute, perfect vacuum with negligible gravitation around, light really, actually DOES move 0.002% faster than we thought it should.

So, you know... more work is required before getting all excited about something that could be a huge number of things.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 23 2011 8:25 PM EDT

it seems the most likely culprit as far as calculations go is atmospheric ones in regards to the speed of light.

iBananco [Blue Army] September 23 2011 8:36 PM EDT

That's why scientists increased the speed of light in 2208.
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