Era of fully digital music (in Off-topic)

Duke October 5 2011 1:06 AM EDT

Next step in the marketing of music ? or just some curiosity.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 5 2011 7:26 AM EDT

Demigod October 5 2011 9:17 AM EDT

What do you mean by fully digital? Lack of analog instruments or lack of physical media?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] October 5 2011 9:49 AM EDT

He means she a pop star that's not a human being.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 5 2011 12:04 PM EDT

Ever since Idoru and S1m0ne, I've hoped others would pick up on the trend. ;)

Japan has had 'artificial' stars for a while, and I've been harping on about the movie industry moving to totally computer created movies, and actors, for a long time.

Why pay 15 Million for one star? When 2 Million can make your movie, and artificially cast it all as well.

QBOddBird October 5 2011 12:13 PM EDT

It wouldn't be hard to do given the current trend of superhero movies, GL :)

But I don't think they could pass off a digital actor in most movie genres right now

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 5 2011 12:18 PM EDT

Have you not seen Advent Children? :P

And technology has improved since then.

All we needed was digital voices for the FF characters, and for them to become 'virtually' real people, and we've begun.

Artificial Movie stars, with artificial voices. With their own personalities and fan base!

Go go!

QBOddBird October 5 2011 12:42 PM EDT

The FF characters were not very convincing to me though. :(

Very impressive graphics, yes. Replacement for a human actor? I didn't really think so.

I still don't feel like technology is to the point yet where I can look at an actor onscreen in a movie and be unable to differentiate whether they are really human or digital.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] October 5 2011 1:24 PM EDT

^ Give it a couple years >_> We're getting there quick.
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