Tattoo of Augmentation and Adamantite Cuirass (in General)

Marious October 9 2011 8:52 AM EDT

Could someone help me? Im not a new player but Ive been away for a long time. I just did a little shopping and bought myself a Tattoo Of augmentation after doing a bit of research it looked like a good thing for the direction I want to go. What I didnt know, nor could I find it in the help, was they are mutually exclusive. Is that correct? Can someone tell me why the same minion cant have both of them equipped and where it would have told me that I cant.


AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 9:00 AM EDT

Tats take the spot of chest and cloak armor pieces.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 9 2011 10:52 AM EDT
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