Things I like about CB. (in General)

QBRanger October 12 2011 4:02 PM EDT

Thought I would put a happy post up.

Things that make playing fun:

1) The missile weaponsmith. Being able to change weapons is a joy. Let's one change a strategy without having to DE and reup a new item every time.

2) The tattoo artist. Just fun trying different tattoos. Much better than the beginning tattoo artist that charged a 1% level fee each change.

3) The ability to reset your MPB. So easy now to look at weapons over time to see how much damage you can do.

4) The note area at the bottom of your user page. Now I can keep track of debts owed etc....

5) The ease of play on my iPhone. Easy to burn a few BA while out and about.

These are just a few things I love about CB.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 12 2011 4:12 PM EDT

PvP nature of the game is my #1 item

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 12 2011 4:13 PM EDT

i like setting goals and reaching them. i made one today as a matter of fact! ; )

QBRanger October 12 2011 4:15 PM EDT

conflagration lvl 15,001,712 owned by Admindudemus (damage control)

Home grown I assume!

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 12 2011 4:17 PM EDT

yeppers, now the eighth highest. ; )

Lochnivar October 12 2011 4:18 PM EDT

conflagration lvl 15,001,712 owned by Admindudemus (damage control)

The only scarier tats come in prison....

+1 for the MPB reset and notes section

I also like the fact that I don't have to wade through swearing in the forums... it's nice to use some of the other 700,000 words in the English language for a change.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] October 12 2011 4:22 PM EDT

I also like the fact that I don't have to wade through swearing in the forums... it's nice to use some of the other 700,000 words in the English language for a change.

I like that the fact that the median intelligence here seems much higher than other sites.

Reyth October 12 2011 4:23 PM EDT

Ya I'd say setting and hitting goals is probably the tops for me. However, I think slicing annoying bunnies in half is a very close second. ;)

Reyth October 12 2011 4:44 PM EDT

Demigod October 12 2011 5:02 PM EDT

I like that the fact that the median intelligence here seems much higher than other sites.

This deserves another repeat. The game itself is a decent time killer, but the forums really carry the site. Whenever I happen to load up and see the mindless, racist chatter, it makes me appreciate CB.

AdminG Beee October 12 2011 5:46 PM EDT

Titan 4:22 PM EDT
I like that the fact that the median intelligence here seems much higher than other sites.

The fact that I had to google verify that Loch was talking nonsense with his 700k word statement is testament to the fact that I'm far more knowledgeable in complete rubbish than I otherwise would have been if CB weren't here.

I also like the memories.

AdminQBVerifex October 12 2011 8:57 PM EDT

My favorite part of CB is everything, also it's fun writing code for a site I like. :)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] October 12 2011 8:59 PM EDT

Being new the thing I enjoy the most is the community. The PvP factor is always fun too.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 12 2011 9:25 PM EDT

#1 me
#2 all of you
#3 so many things I can't list them all.

QBOddBird October 12 2011 9:27 PM EDT

the forums. I grew tired of the game so long ago, but these are my home forums

Quyen October 13 2011 9:42 AM EDT

what i like about CB:
1. Community. f*s, best community i've ever seen :D
2. ability to try out, this includes the blacksmith ability to change your weapon type and the tattoo artist. :)
3. did i mention you guys?
4. the pvp/rivalry in battles while still being nice to the same guy/gal :)
5. read 1+3.
6. the ability to grow and tend it. (just ilke gardening)
enough reasons? :D

AdminNightStrike October 13 2011 9:45 AM EDT

these are my home forums

They are, aren't they? It's an interesting setup.. I always have the forum page open at all times. It's like our own igoogle, without all of the apps :)

AdminNightStrike October 13 2011 9:45 AM EDT

What does f*s mean?
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