We need to have a "like" button for threads (in Off-topic)

Untouchable October 30 2011 5:46 PM EDT

Eh heh heh heh ehhh

Untouchable October 30 2011 5:47 PM EDT

And I mean for comments, not the entire thread as a whole

Joel October 30 2011 7:10 PM EDT

I would "like" that as well! It just seems like it would make things more alive, and we could see more clearly how the CB community leans towards certain issues!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] October 30 2011 7:56 PM EDT

When you put it like that....nty
None of this popularity malarkey.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] October 30 2011 8:58 PM EDT


Joel October 30 2011 9:52 PM EDT

Yeah, I guess some people's feeling would be hurt if they knew for sure how unpopular their idea was, lol. Right now, sometimes, we can only guess at how much everyone hates our ideas, but hope isn't completely dashed as there is room for hope, since we don't see -100 dislikes next to our posts.
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