You know what would give a boost to CB? (in General)

QBRanger November 29 2011 12:16 PM EST

A short, perhaps 3 day period, of FREE UNLEARNING!!!

Something to break the monotony of CB.

If we are not to get a new item/spell/skill, at least let us do something fun for CB.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 29 2011 12:21 PM EST

Man 3 days is a really really long time. Maybe a day, it could get a lot of people on CB at once, maybe liven up the forums.

If we are not to get a new item/spell/skill

Why would this never happen?

Django November 29 2011 12:24 PM EST

I have to say Ranger, this is one of the greatest ideas.

Sickone November 29 2011 12:28 PM EST

Or, you know, we could ALSO have a permanent "only untrain as much XP from a skill as you like to" thing.
As opposed to having to completely remove it.
The penalty can stay, but applied to how much you untrain, not to total XP in skill.

Goku November 29 2011 12:42 PM EST

1 a month or every 3 months sounds fun

QBRanger November 29 2011 12:44 PM EST

Or, you know, we could ALSO have a permanent "only untrain as much XP from a skill as you like to" thing.

We already had a thread on this and I guess that consensus was due to losing score on untraining this was not feasible.

However, it is a suggestion I always wanted from the beginning of CB2.

Man 3 days is a really really long time. Maybe a day, it could get a lot of people on CB at once, maybe liven up the forums.

Not everyone gets on everyday. People have RL issues. Different timezones. I felt 3 days would give everyone a nice chance to experiment.

Why would this never happen?

Do we really need to get into this discussion again? Really?

Death, taxes, and no new changes in CB are the staples in life. Not to sound negative, but I think that is the realization most, if not all of us in CB, have accepted.

To beat a dead horse yet again, I would love to see NS and/or Jon really discuss why the Rolling Bonus idea is bad. All we have gotten to date is a nebulous post from Jon about how it encourages laziness, or something to that effect.

QBRanger November 29 2011 12:46 PM EST

1 a month or every 3 months sounds fun

Free retraining should be a very very special thing. The last one we had was I think about 3 years ago. IIRC, it was when PL or SG came out.

Since we have had no changemonths or items or spells in the past 2+ years, I thought a very special thingy would be nice for all those in CB.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 29 2011 12:50 PM EST

I guess I just feel like free retrains kill a little of the remaining magic that CB has, like all items being "common" and posting formulas in the wiki it just seems to tarnish the mystique when we have a free for all.

Lord Bob November 29 2011 12:53 PM EST

A short, perhaps 3 day period, of FREE UNLEARNING!!!
Not that I disagree with you, but I'm very surprised to see you suggesting it. Back in the day you were a very vocal opponent of free retrains.

I would also like a free retrain day or three to test something new. But honestly, I'm almost completely checked out already, so whatever happens is fine by me.

King November 29 2011 1:11 PM EST

I'm kind of against free retrains since in the end it'll come down to everyone retraining to counter each other and whoever is up the latest 'wins'. It's tough at the top, keep it that way.

Fishead November 29 2011 2:10 PM EST

I recently retrained and got the added bonus of hitting 5mil PR two times in two weeks!
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