Sandstorm in Phoenix (in Off-topic)

AdminTal Destra January 6 2012 12:01 PM EST

QBRanger January 6 2012 12:20 PM EST

Gezz, I must have slept right through it.

TH3 C0113CT0R January 6 2012 1:02 PM EST

Is this actually real? I've only really seen sand storms as portrayed in movies. Its moving so slowly.

AdminTal Destra January 6 2012 1:08 PM EST

Yes its real. We had one on 10/17/11 that creeped too. That one swallowed this area.

TH3 C0113CT0R January 6 2012 1:57 PM EST

that's pretty crazy, and cool! the only thing we get were I'm at is snow and rain, and even then barely get snow any more.

T-Beck January 6 2012 6:08 PM EST

Haboob! Lol. I was on vacation last summer when it hit and missed it :(
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