Turkish version of Star Wars (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex March 9 2012 6:30 PM EST

TH3 C0113CT0R March 9 2012 6:34 PM EST

all I can say is WOW! LOL!

Lochnivar March 9 2012 7:30 PM EST

No, WOW doesn't even begin to cover a film which features a fight sequence that looks like it's out of old school Star-Trek yet has the Indiana Jones theme song playing...

AdminQBVerifex March 9 2012 8:59 PM EST

I think at one point, someone that looks like a main protagonist appears to be screaming about human brains and blood. Is this star wars or some kind of zombie space movie? Also Star Wars needed more horse battles, and this has tons.

TH3 C0113CT0R March 9 2012 9:59 PM EST

space horses ftw?

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] March 10 2012 4:11 AM EST

Hahaha, I heard about this a few months ago when the Angry Video Game Nerd did a review on it.

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