Tal/Kat 6 (in Public Record)

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] March 16 2012 9:19 PM EDT

Tal/Kat 5
Due to my inability to get on and do anything at this point in time and likely any time soon, I am sending all my equips to Tal and any armor I was currently working on for him.... I am also authorizing him to arrange the sale of my character Blightning... It is my hope that the profit from the sales plus the 8mil I had will cover the remaining 30mil debt, however Tal has said he will call it even, but I would prefer to wait till I'm sure it's decently close to what I owe... I'll still get on when I am eventually able but at this time the debt has stood for too long without payment.... Laterz q=-P

Limbo Inc. (Blightning) Tsar Tal (Quad Aces) $8000000 9:09 PM EDT
Limbo Inc. (Blightning) Tsar Tal (Quad Aces) A Trollskin Armor ($4821111) 9:09 PM EDT
Limbo Inc. (Blightning) Tsar Tal (Quad Aces) A Cornuthaum ($35000) 9:09 PM EDT
Limbo Inc. (Blightning) Tsar Tal (Quad Aces) A Mithril Shield ($6342269) 9:09 PM EDT
Limbo Inc. (Blightning) Tsar Tal (Quad Aces) A Rune of Balrog Flame ($131576509) 9:09 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra March 16 2012 9:22 PM EDT


the TSA and MS were mine to begin with, i had sent them for forging
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