I would love an answer to this.... (in General)

Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 6:27 PM EDT

So apparently when one asks a valid question about the rules and doesn't get an answer; people are supposed to know the rules? (Titan I addressed a post to you over a week ago and no answer now I'm calling you out.)

Also, since when are direct insults from admins allowed? Does this now mean that I can directly insult admins at free will and get away with it?

For a game with no rules this one sure has quite a few... just saying. ;)

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 8:26 PM EDT

I've grown bored with your consistent complaining about the "rules."

Life is not fair. Get over it. The only rule that really matters is admin discretion. A cop doesn't write a ticket to everyone he pulls over. He also does not pull over everyone he sees that he could/should.

At this point, if the admins inconsistently forum banned you until you stopped complaining about the consistency in the rules I would not mind.

You're either just complaining to troll or because deep down you have some need to win this battle against these awful tyrannical admins.

TH3 C0113CT0R March 18 2012 8:28 PM EDT

You're either just complaining to troll or because deep down you have some need to win this battle against these awful tyrannical admins.


Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 8:36 PM EDT

At least I'm consistent. Actually I'd be willing to bet if 4 people all went and shot some random person and killed them not just one of them would be in trouble with cops, but all of them... So now I once again ask why it's ok for SOME to break the rules but not EVERYONE... right right not fair and not consistent, though we make statements like ''we try to be as fair and consistent as possible. Could we at least be honest about the fact that the rules don't mean anything and people can just do as they wish!!? :O

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 18 2012 8:40 PM EDT

Clearly Verifex just hates you.

This is what this is about right, that thing he did to piss you off like 5 months ago. That Fex, he's just a bad person. I don't know how he ever got to be an admin...

Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 8:48 PM EDT

No Titan, Verifex isn't the only one behind this at the moment. Though it would be nice if I ask a valid question in regards to rules a REAL answer be given not ''cause I said''. Pretty sure cops don't get to use that reason as it usually results in lawyers getting involved... Don't look at me Josh wanted to start with examples pertaining to cops I'll just keep going with that just for the consistency and so I can now sit here and giggle even more. :)

Mikel [Bring it] March 18 2012 8:48 PM EDT

No need for anyone to post in here that is not an Admin.

It's their job to clarify the rules, not ours. He can be mad about what ever he wants to, right libs? I mean if the majority of you are for equal rights then you should be on his side. *Just sayin

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 8:48 PM EDT

So, we're equating closing forums or fining people for not being PG to being shot?

I figured being shot in the CB Universe would be using a bot or having multiple accounts. But hey, that just me being sensible.

Yes, all four of them would be in trouble. You're correct. I know this is all you want to hear but I cannot leave it at that. I was also correct when I mentioned tickets/pulling people over but you'll probably never admit that and continue using poor analogies.

Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 8:57 PM EDT

As usual Josh you are not correct as to have been correct in the first place you'd know I was making a reference to someone closing my thread for a non justifiable excuse and the failure of said admin to CLEARLY justify this issue and as Titan has pointed out it's been what 5 months now and I still can't get a CUT and DRY fully explained answer. Which only makes me want to come up with an IMPOSSIBLE contest for this silly game.... furthermore to have been more correct you'd have also known that cops have quotas to meet (my uncle is a former cop) so while they may pick and choose when to lay off on writing tickets or not there comes a time where they have to buckle down and meet said quota oh but what do I know about you not being correct Josh... other than the fact that I'd be willing to bet even you can't give me a clear explanation I'll fully expect you to do so in my contest thread and according to Fexy it's so easy, so it shouldn't take long at all for me to have a winner. ;)

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 8:57 PM EDT

Again, you're not making a fair comparison. Sure, a cop cannot say "cause I said" for writing a person a ticket for having blue eyes. But that's not what I said.

I said a cop has the ability to use his own discretion in how to enforce certain laws already established. I say certain because I realize for you I have to specify I am talking about reasonable things like a broken taillight or going a few mph above the speed limit, not murder.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 9:09 PM EDT

In my first sentence I said "closing forums." Though, you never actually referenced that like you claim. I just happened to already know what you were complaining about (magically, it had nothing to do with your endless complaining). The only thing you've referenced was Titan not answering you in another thread.

Quotas have absolutely nothing to do with the analogy I was making and is just a straw man argument that never once refuted anything I actually said. In fact, you admitted they can pick and choose. Cops have quotas, admins do not.

I already stated "admin discretion" is the only rule that really matters in this game.

Lord Bob March 18 2012 10:29 PM EDT

Also, since when are direct insults from admins allowed?
When did anyone directly insult an admin?

The official rule as I have always understood it is no insults are allowed. Of course, some people are given a free pass here.

Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 10:33 PM EDT

LB, that's the entire problem Titan himself has opted to directly insult me a few times tonight alone... if I can't directly insult others he shouldn't be allowed either... something about fair and consistent lol. :P Josh, by now everyone should know what I'm in reference to as I'm being consistent... which is more than I can say for others around here. Also, I will continue to do so. Get over it LOL!

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 10:40 PM EDT

Quite comical of you to tell me to get over something.

Lord Bob March 18 2012 10:43 PM EDT

if I can't directly insult others he shouldn't be allowed either
Agreed. The moment we place admins above the law here is when chaos ensues.

Lord Bob March 18 2012 10:44 PM EDT

Also, quoting Titan:
that thing he did to piss you off like 5 months ago
Does that mean we get to say piss here now? And if so, can we scrap the rest of the PG rule while we're at it?

Elf X.7plus35k March 18 2012 10:48 PM EDT

Josh quit being a troll as I'd like a serious answer from an ADMIN. If you care to tell me what I shouldn't do you shouldn't turn around and do the same thing. ;)

LB, careful with your suggestions they tend to frown apon making suggestions that they don't like. ;) (see my contest thread as proof LOL)

Lord Bob March 18 2012 10:52 PM EDT

LB, careful with your suggestions
Meh. I'm about 30k MPR away from 6/20. I have about a month left before I'm out of here. Until then, I'm going to speak my mind about the flaws in this game and the flaws in this community.

Phoenix [The Forgehood] March 18 2012 11:16 PM EDT

I'm pretty sure if 4 people committed murder, how many are arrested for it would depend on how many are caught.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 11:22 PM EDT

I'm not doing the same thing as this is my first and likely only time complaining about your complaining. As I expect you will continue to keep complaining and feign quitting a couple more times. I will see that I had no effect on you and get over it, as you told me to. Something you should consider doing yourself.

No matter what the admin's give you as an answer you know you won't like it and continue this charade.

To be honest, it only effected you very briefly and you have carried on now for 5 months about it. It's so upsetting to you that you need to see change yet you're still here. It appears you were not effected that badly after all.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 11:26 PM EDT

In regards to the PG rule. It has never been consistent. Since I started playing 10 years ago, even Jon was inconsistent in how he fined, banned, etc. in regards to the PG rule. This is not new people. Stop acting shocked every time someone gets fined for a word you thought was ok or does not get fined for a word you thought was not ok.

QBsutekh137 March 18 2012 11:31 PM EDT

What the Hell is going on here?

Wow. Between Ranger and crap like this, folks wonder about dwindling community numbers.

At least I get entertainment. As Capt. Jack Harkness says: "The pleasure was all mine...which is all that really matters in the end!"

QBRanger March 18 2012 11:50 PM EDT

Holy Batman "Between Ranger and crap like this,"

Between Sut, who does not even play CB anymore but come back to troll posts, and air, no wonder the world is ______ (fill in the blank).

Yea, I can make up stuff also.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 18 2012 11:58 PM EDT

Yeah, but look how quickly the trolling worked. No wonder he threw your name out there. Fail.

Sickone March 19 2012 12:04 AM EDT


Why should I even bother...

Demigod March 19 2012 12:11 AM EDT

What the Hell is going on here?

Yep. This is the most accurate line in the entire thread.

Lord Bob March 19 2012 12:50 AM EDT

Wow. Between Ranger and crap like this, folks wonder about dwindling community numbers.
With one more down hopefully by the end of the month.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 19 2012 6:34 AM EDT

Does that mean we get to say piss here now?

I had no idea that that might be un-PG? I guess I don't say it that often enough to run into whether or not it is un-PG.

QBsutekh137 March 19 2012 9:41 AM EDT

I do apologize for naming names in my post last night, that was unnecessary.

Between Sut, who does not even play CB anymore but come back to troll posts, and air, no wonder the world is ______ (fill in the blank).

And hey, air isn't so bad!

I didn't realize "playing" was a requirement to reading and posting on the forums. Did I miss a changelog post or implied understanding? If I am breaking the rules, hopefully an admin will let me know... I mean, are threads about liberals and tax code game-related in some way I am not seeing? In any case -- there -- I just fought a battle. Does that give me permission to post, Ranger? Maybe just for this one post today?

I think I'll get my money's worth on this post and point out the irony of someone who titles a thread "Do liberals really think this way?" accusing someone else of trolling. Kablungo.

Quyen March 19 2012 10:44 AM EDT

can we please, just leave the discussion topics alone, and tal about more fun things? :|

QBsutekh137 March 19 2012 10:48 AM EDT

Sure, start a thread! I see something new about Michael Bay, so that certainly sounds promising! *smile*
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