Did you know? (in General)

moskel [187ELiTE] March 22 2012 7:52 AM EDT

That you can use base-8 and base-16 numbers in some of the numerical fields of CB? I works on the (get more) BA popup.. can you find others?

044 will buy 36 BA
0xA will buy 10 BA

stabilo [Lonesome fighter] March 22 2012 10:53 AM EDT


(in the original sense of course!)

QBsutekh137 March 22 2012 11:03 AM EDT

heh, a fellow back on CB1 once used octal numbers to get himself a lot of cash, IIRC. "octo" someone or other? Can't remember all the details.

Looks like while they still work, at least they represent the right values now?

Lochnivar March 22 2012 11:14 AM EDT

oh yeah, I remember that... he accidentally put a 0 at the front or something... and then proceeded to do it a lot more when he found out what happened.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 22 2012 11:15 AM EDT

well it doesn't work for money transfers.

Lochnivar March 22 2012 11:22 AM EDT

well it doesn't work for money transfers.

Yeah, it got fixed.
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