[Fixed] Server Error (in General)
May 23 2012 10:07 AM EDT
Unable to fight. Suspended :(
Same here.....weird since I was not fighting any differently than normal.
May 23 2012 10:38 AM EDT
My wife can't fight, but I can, so I've been single-farming her at a snail's pace... This brings back memories, lol. Back in the old days, single-farming was all I ever did. :P))
May 23 2012 10:51 AM EDT
I am able to fight.. u guys using mozilla? :P
not able to fight either with my mobile.
So far on my phone I have tried:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Opera Mini
None of them work and I have gotten another suspension.
also getting the same server error, along with the occasional game side limitation error. More changes from NS? If this is the penalty i guess i'm okay with it :)
No for all four mobile I mentioned before.
Zenai, it's Horror causing errors. I've seen the error, it should be resolved soon.
zhegao, same deal, you're both being affected by the same bug.
Wow really? Is something inherently wrong with the character?
Nope, it's a systemic error with weapon range. Probably due to your huge weapons I'm guessing. I'm looking into it to help NS fix it when he takes a look.
May 23 2012 2:38 PM EDT
One instance where bigger isn't better o.O
Will we be compensated Exp for lost be Regeneration during this time?
See how small trivial changes break everything?
The fight page bases the ranged modifiers on the weapon subclass. thrown didn't exist until this morning, er go Error.
Try now.
still getting an error =/
Got suspended for 10 Minutes.
NS errors happen and even if it is over trivial changes they are changes none-the-less and I thank you for them! It is exciting to have something completely new "Thrown" into the game......X-D
still cant fight at home.
wow somehow i was able to fight 4 battles before getting suspended :(
Back in business on the Comp Browser. checked all of the Phone Browsers. all but Mozilla Firefox is working fine for me.
Thanks for the fix by the way!!!
fought 3 fights and zenai attacks me then i get..
Server Error
The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server.
AOLserver/4.5.1 on
My char hits so hard it knocks you off the server.......rofl
this sucks i can only have a random number of fights then server error!
oh great, just got 30min suspension
10 minute suspension in 6 BA. Perhaps I should read before I fight.
Id really like to know why I can only fight a handful of battles before I get errored? Id also really like to burn my BA...
I have a long commute home. I'm looking at it now.
very best! Keep on doing what you do ;)
Suspended for 20 minutes now :(
May 24 2012 1:31 AM EDT
Just remove the chakram users from your fightlist and you'll be good. Alternatively equip your chakram and get farming protection by trolling people into server errors and fight bans.
There are no more errors in the log. What is triggering it? I fought a few Chakram holders and it worked fine.
May 24 2012 9:53 AM EDT
Gone here, I replied without double checking(removed the chakram users from my list due to missing half a day's ba) All good on the front.
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