Neo Japan
August 15 2012 12:53 PM EDT
I'm not saying Googled yourself, but did a CB forum search?
I did today to make sure during my on and offness, I didn't owe anyone money. One thing that I have to laugh at is, I've bought literally 5 SoC's over the years, yet when I came back last month, I didn't own a single SoC and bought ANOTHER one! Haha, that made me laugh.
You can also see how you've changed or matured and grown in CB since 2005.
There are some CBers I'd like to ogle. ;)
Didn't the Divinyls do a song about this?
August 15 2012 6:52 PM EDT
The best thing about searching yourself is that you don't have to wear gloves.
August 15 2012 6:59 PM EDT
The best thing about searching yourself is that you don't have to wear gloves.
So THAT's what I was doing wrong all this time !
You don't?
I do. ;) Makes it feel so nice.
I did search myself...I saw an ad. That threw me back to cb1 where buying supportership meant you could turn off ads, AND there was a Supportership related comic strip.
August 15 2012 9:16 PM EDT
You don't?
I do. ;) Makes it feel so nice.
If that's what you say....... You wouldn't have that baby unless someone was searching you without a glove :p
August 15 2012 11:00 PM EDT
GL must be part of the 2% ;)
August 16 2012 12:39 AM EDT
Searched myself and I found my car keys... Stupid belly they were under there the whole time.
LoL! I usually only find lint. ;)
Searched myself and I found my car keys...
I seem to find money in the form of folded dollar bills.....................
Stuck in your garter? ;)
Oh you know me baby, you can get this lap dance here for free!
August 16 2012 2:16 PM EDT
Stuck in your garter? ;)
I would have assumed his g-string
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