Ever Search Yourself? (in Off-topic)

Neo Japan August 15 2012 12:53 PM EDT

I'm not saying Googled yourself, but did a CB forum search?

I did today to make sure during my on and offness, I didn't owe anyone money. One thing that I have to laugh at is, I've bought literally 5 SoC's over the years, yet when I came back last month, I didn't own a single SoC and bought ANOTHER one! Haha, that made me laugh.

You can also see how you've changed or matured and grown in CB since 2005.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 15 2012 1:12 PM EDT

There are some CBers I'd like to ogle. ;)

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] August 15 2012 6:28 PM EDT

Didn't the Divinyls do a song about this?

Fishead August 15 2012 6:52 PM EDT

The best thing about searching yourself is that you don't have to wear gloves.

Sickone August 15 2012 6:59 PM EDT

The best thing about searching yourself is that you don't have to wear gloves.

So THAT's what I was doing wrong all this time !

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 15 2012 6:59 PM EDT

You don't?

I do. ;) Makes it feel so nice.

Unappreciated Misnomer August 15 2012 8:22 PM EDT

I did search myself...I saw an ad. That threw me back to cb1 where buying supportership meant you could turn off ads, AND there was a Supportership related comic strip.

Haloki August 15 2012 9:16 PM EDT

You don't?

I do. ;) Makes it feel so nice.

If that's what you say....... You wouldn't have that baby unless someone was searching you without a glove :p

Fishead August 15 2012 11:00 PM EDT

GL must be part of the 2% ;)

Haloki August 16 2012 12:39 AM EDT

Searched myself and I found my car keys... Stupid belly they were under there the whole time.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 16 2012 5:23 AM EDT

LoL! I usually only find lint. ;)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 16 2012 1:48 PM EDT

Searched myself and I found my car keys...

I seem to find money in the form of folded dollar bills.....................

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 16 2012 2:04 PM EDT

Stuck in your garter? ;)

Oh you know me baby, you can get this lap dance here for free!


Fishead August 16 2012 2:16 PM EDT

Stuck in your garter? ;)

I would have assumed his g-string

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 16 2012 2:19 PM EDT

/me wears a Speed-O!
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