Fight log on (in General)

Dudster4 August 23 2012 7:57 PM EDT

Simple change? In the preferences I think it would be nifty if I could enable the fight log as always on.

AdminQBVerifex August 23 2012 8:00 PM EDT

The fight log IS always on. The only way it currently turns off is if you have a really slow connection.

Dudster4 August 23 2012 8:49 PM EDT

Everyday I hit fight it's always "on non win". I would like to have it "on".

AdminTal Destra August 23 2012 8:54 PM EDT

the after battle stats i think he means

Soxjr August 23 2012 9:14 PM EDT

Just click the on button. Then fight again. It will always be on from then on out. If he is talking about that.

Dudster4 August 23 2012 9:25 PM EDT

I do that. But everyday it seems to go back to the default "on non win".

Dudster4 August 24 2012 7:26 AM EDT

Ok yeah it's definitely not something in my IE settings as it just reverted back to "on non win" again this morning.

Krayzie August 24 2012 7:48 AM EDT

I experience the same thing whenever I login as well. I chocked it up to playing from many different platforms and the settings just didnt carry over between the devices.

Sickone August 24 2012 9:23 AM EDT

You know what they say, time to finally use a different browser. Or reinstall the OS. Or both.

Optimus(Prime) August 29 2012 5:49 AM EDT

Happens to me too.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] August 29 2012 5:32 PM EDT

It has always reverted to on-win for me. I don't mind it tho.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 29 2012 9:34 PM EDT

Odd, I can't recall this ever happening to me, and I have mine turned on often, I usually have to remember to turn it off whenever I'm trying to burn BA real quick.

Django August 29 2012 10:37 PM EDT

This happens to me quite often. No matter where I burn BA from. It always goes to non win. I always thought that was normal though...

AdminTal Destra August 29 2012 11:10 PM EDT

It always resets to on-non-win for me...

from the day i started playing to today

Sickone August 30 2012 6:43 AM EDT

Does it reset for you on every browser close even if you don't log off ?
Or does it reset at daily (maybe at cache flush?) regardless of whether you log off or not ?
Or does it reset for you whenever you log off and then log back in again ?

Sickone August 30 2012 6:46 AM EDT

Closing and reopening browser does not reset it for me.
Logging off, closing the browser, then logging back in does not reset it for me either.
No idea about resets at cache flush time yet though.

Playing on Chrome, google data synch enabled, OS Win7Ult64.

Dudster4 August 30 2012 6:54 AM EDT

It seems almost daily like at cache flush. I'm on IE 9 I think? win 7 ultimate.

Sickone August 30 2012 7:05 AM EDT

Hmm, that would make sense if it's a server-side setting as opposed to a local setting, as it might get wiped out at cache flush instead of being preserved.
But in that case, if it's a server-side setting and not a local browser setting, in a single day, you should have the setting migrate between devices, and not be device-bound... is that what actually happens ?
If it is, I guess somebody can change what gets flushed at cache flush and solve this problem.

Dudster4 August 30 2012 7:52 AM EDT

Ok just tested. Flipped it from off to on then fought on my phone and it was then on. So it must be a server side problem.

Sickone August 30 2012 7:59 AM EDT

Yup, looks like it.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] August 30 2012 8:11 AM EDT

I always assumed it was intended to work this way to save server load.

Dudster4 August 30 2012 8:19 AM EDT

Welp since we're down to about 80 active players weekly I think the server needs as much work as it can get.

Mikel [Bring it] August 30 2012 8:30 AM EDT

I have not had a problem switching from my kindle fire to phone to different ox's. Seems like it's fine. It also stays on when I switch characters. I use it for tourneys then flip it back to non-win for my main and it always annoys me to keep flipping back and forth.

Mikel [Bring it] August 30 2012 8:32 AM EDT

Ox's should be Pc's

TheHatchetman August 30 2012 9:37 AM EDT

RD is right. It is server-side to change it back at cache. That's also why "on non-win" was added because of people complaining about it auto-setting to off. I always assumed everyone knew this xD

AdminNightStrike August 30 2012 10:35 AM EDT

Every day at cache flush, the settings are removed. Fex has a partial patch to make it a permanent setting. He stopped because Jon didn't want it. If he finishes, though, I'll approve it.
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