Clan Rituals (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer August 30 2012 6:52 PM EDT

Is there any reason for everyone not to be using Insight ritual? Unworthy is the DM of Rituals.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 30 2012 7:10 PM EDT

In terms of team play and growth for the entire clan, not really. However if you are running a smaller clan or don't really care about that extra clan bonus % added to your growth then you can pretty much run whatever you feel works for you and/or your clan mates best.

Unworthy really would only be worth it if someone is running Magical Dead Zone, Strength of Tulkas, Blessing, or either of the two Non-God rituals. On top of that, you'd have to know they were running those to begin with.

It's a shame, because right now the rituals aren't really as useful as they should be. I know Natasha had way more in mind for the Rituals then is currently implemented in the game.
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