Tourney? (in General)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 31 2012 9:53 PM EDT

I missed the last tourney when I moved, can we get another one please? :)

Ideas and suggestions for something fun would be great.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] August 31 2012 9:55 PM EDT

Have we had a chakram tourney yet? Or anything goes tourney, really want to see how it is at higher levels.

Duke September 3 2012 3:55 PM EDT

Please no

TH3 C0113CT0R September 3 2012 5:16 PM EDT

no elb either

Unappreciated Misnomer September 3 2012 6:05 PM EDT

oh yes a nice big elven stiletto and chakram tourney

Bounty Hunter September 4 2012 1:40 AM EDT

Dont know what the tourney would be but Team Names could be "Apple VS. Samsung" :)

Quyen September 4 2012 6:21 AM EDT

if I was on the apple team, I would name my character Lawyer and sue everybody >.>

Thug [Sponge] September 4 2012 6:47 AM EDT

would like to see one set amount of ba per day; no matter what time you logged in. That way you could use it any way you want. Spread out or all at once.

Start with a certain amount of xp also.

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