A good laugh for you all (in Links)

Unappreciated Misnomer October 13 2012 9:49 AM EDT


/me dont embed sorry lol

Demigod October 13 2012 10:18 AM EDT


But this HAS to be a prank call. My brain refuses to accept that level of stupidity.

AdminTal Destra October 13 2012 12:08 PM EDT

There is absolutely no way she is that ignorant.

Has to be fake.

IPoop October 13 2012 12:24 PM EDT

oh my, i too really hope thats fake!

... that said id love to be at the newspapers where she sent the letters to!

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 13 2012 11:05 PM EDT

once again the timeliness of cb has impressed me. i saw this thread earlier today and then this evening saw a snopes article that mentions it:

keep up the good work cb!

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] October 15 2012 8:43 AM EDT

Haha, well it was a good laugh anyway.

Sickone October 15 2012 5:17 PM EDT

There is absolutely no way she is that ignorant.

You have an overabundance of misplaced faith in humanity :)
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